Chairman Majikes called the 85th Annual Business Meeting to order at 9 a.m.
ITEM 1 Chairman Majikes welcomed all of the representatives of the membe schools and quickly introduced the PIAA District II committee members as well as PIAA Associate Executive Director Melissa Mertz, and PIAA Assistant Executive Director Patrick Gebhart. Chairman Majikes followed by introducing District II Committee Member, Frank Galicki, who delivered both the invocation and the necrology.
ITEM 2 Chairman Majikes thanked all of the member schools for their cooperation during the past year in regard to hosting district championship events in all of the various sports. The cooperation of all of the member schools in District II is greatly appreciated. He also reminded all of the schools to take their two student-athlete plaques prior to leaving today.
ITEM 3 A motion was made by Brian Durkin (AD – Forest City), seconded by Russ Davis (AD-Hanover Area) to approve the minutes of the 2014 Annual Business meeting. Copies of those minutes were provided to all member schools present. All Ayes
ITEM 4 Frank Victor, District II Treasurer, gave the 2014 Treasurer’s Report. Our Total Expenses for the 2013-2014 operating year were $316,404.58; while our Total Income for the same period of time was $351,429.14 – a gain of $35,024.56. Our fund balance as of June 30, 2014 was $217,951.12; an increase in the fund balance of $35,024.56. We currently have $205,366.03 in our checking and saving accounts, and $12,585.09 in a Certificate of Deposit.
A motion was made by Jeff Shook (AD- Lake-Lehman High School), seconded by Joe Pizano (AD-Wyoming Area High School) to approve the Treasurer’s Report as submitted. All Ayes
At the conclusion of his report, Frank Victor announced that he will be retiring as the PIAA District II Treasurer. Chairman Majikes thanked Frank for his service and there was a large ovation from member schools.
ITEM 5 Frank Galicki presented the Credentials Report. There are 42 High Schools and 39 Junior High Schools present at today’s meeting. Mr. Majikes thanked Walter Allabaugh and Matt Himlin for their assistance in taking attendance.
ITEM 6 Chairman Majikes introduced Pat Gebhart, Assistant Executive Director of the PIAA, who discussed the following talking points:
· A reminder to all member schools that uniforms for “cause” games must adhere to PIAA regulations. The use of pink uniforms for particular causes is not in adherence to those regulations. There are examples of the PIAA main website of those items that are within PIAA regulations and it is recommended that member schools review that area carefully.
· There has been discussion at the state level regarding the move to 6 classes, primarily in football. There are currently four proposals being studied – 4 equal classes, 6 equal classes, five equal classes and a Super 700; and, 5 equal classes and a Super 800. The next PIAA State Committee meeting in May will review these proposals carefully. There is also consideration being given to review the counting of charter school students in enrollment figures. Currently, a school must count all charter students – there is consideration to counting only 10 % of that population for enrollment purposes.
· Finally, Pat reviewed changes in the by-laws including the following –
ü Modernization in the language in Article 19 regarding Junior High Schools
ü Addition of a preamble to the Code of Ethics with examples of what is considered to be sportsmanlike and unsportsmanlike conduct
ü Clarification of wrestling events allowing for 2 multiple dual events per season not including tri-meets and quad meets
ü Clarification of the CIPPE requirement which will now include a sign off by the athlete if their likeness is on the CIPPE. They must sign the waiver to participate.
ü Requirement of officials to submit new Act 153 forms every three years.
ITEM 7 Melissa Mertz, Associate Executive Director of the PIAA, then offered other comments and remarks highlighting the following points:
· Clarification of the Libero jersey – must be a solid color by 2016. It is recommended that member schools check out the Power Point on the PIAA website.
· Announced the launching of a new PIAA website on July 1, 2015 at It will be more contemporary and easier to navigate.
· Reminded schools that the coaching education requirement is effective as of July 1, 206 and that the coach education portal will be opening on the website as of July 1st.
· Thanked member schools for their cooperation in providing their eligibility lists on line. The first year went rather smoothly and she thanked District II schools for their 100 % participation.
· Heat acclimatization for football is now extended for a 5 day period. Schools may start as early as August 10th with the process and must have a minimum of 3 consecutive days for an individual player. She cautioned schools that if they wait until August 17th you must have 5 heat days and 5 practice days prior to your first scrimmage. That would cause schools to have to eliminate their first scrimmage.
· The PIAA is continuing its effort to work with Special Olympics in offering unified competitions at various state playoff sites. A Bocce tournament was held in conjunction with the Basketball Championships and the PIAA is working to schedule possible events with the Track and Field Championships at Shippensburg.
· It is recommended that all schools put in place an Emergency Action Plan for all of their athletic venues. A kit on the subject will be distributed to all member schools during the upcoming year.
· At the request of Chairman Majikes, Melissa reviewed the out of season regulations. Schools are not permitted to allow teams to utilize their school uniforms or any other uniform that would identify the school by name. Schools, with the permission of the principal, can authorize the utilization of school equipment such as shoulder pads, helmets, etc.
ITEM 8 Scott Gower, Athletic Director of Scranton Prep, asked that the committee consider modifying their open tournaments to require teams to win a certain percentage of their league contests.
ITEM 9 Chairman Majikes informed the member schools that District II is very close to completing negotiations for the utilization of the Mohegan Sun Arena for the Basketball Championships over the next two year cycle. He also reminded the schools that the Baseball Championships will be held on Memorial Day at PNC Field.
ITEM 10 SPORTS REPORTS: The following sports reports were presented at
today’s meeting –
· Lacrosse (Al Holtzer): Al provided member schools with a copy of the format for the upcoming District II Lacrosse Championships. Information will also be placed on the District II website.
· Track & Field (Danielle Adams): Danielle provided schools with a copy of the format for the upcoming District II Track and Field Championships. Information will also be placed on the District II website.
· Boys Volleyball (Maureen Williams): Maureen provided schools with a copy of the format for the upcoming District II/XI Boys’ Volleyball Championships. Information will also be posted on the District II website.
· Football (Mike Ognosky): The information regarding the official football for next year’s post season is available on the PIAA main website at
· Baseball (Frank Majikes): Frank provided schools with a copy of the format for the upcoming District II Baseball Championships. Information will also be posted on the District II website.
ITEM 11 NEW BUSINESS – The following new business items were conducted:
Chairman Majikes entertained motions for the election of officers for the District II Committee for the 2015-2016 school year.
A motion was made by Dave Nawroki (Principal- WVW) and seconded by Jon Kandrick (AD – Crestwood) that the present officers be retained. All Ayes
A motion was made by Sandy Mackay (AD-WVW), seconded by Ken Janiszewski (AD- Tunkhannock) that the nominations be closed. All Ayes
The current officers will be retained.
ITEM 12 Vice Chairman Bill King recognized the 2014-2015 District II schools and individuals who won state championships during the Spring 2014, Fall 2014, and Winter 2015 seasons.
ITEM 13 Chris Gegaris, Region representative for PASSP, announced that there will be a reception at Mohegan Sun on Wednesday, April 29th from 5 to 8 p.m. and encouraged all administrators to attend regardless of membership status.
ITEM 14 Frank Galicki offered benediction.
ITEM 15 A motion was made by Joe Gilhool (AD-Montrose), seconded by Cliff Jones (AD-Coughlin) to adjourn. All Ayes
Meeting was adjourned at 10:50 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Mike Ognosky, District II Secretary