Meeting was convened at 8:45a.m. by Chairman Majikes

ITEM 1           Chairman Majikes welcomed member schools to the meeting and quickly introduced the PIAA District II committee members as well as PIAA Executive Director Brad Cashman.  Chairman Majikes followed by introducing District II Committee Member, Frank Galicki, who delivered both the invocation and the necrology.

ITEM 2           Chairman Majikes thanked all of the member schools for their cooperation during the past year in regard to hosting district championship events in all of the various sports.  The cooperation of all of the member schools in District II is greatly appreciated.   

ITEM 3           A motion was made by Simon Peters (AD – GAR), seconded by Ken Janiszewski (AD-Tunkhannock) to approve the minutes of the 2011Annual Business meeting.  Copies of those minutes were provided to all member schools present.  All Ayes

ITEM 4           Frank Victor, District II Treasurer, gave the 2011 Treasurer’s Report.  Our Total Expenses for the 2010-2011 operating year was $302,843.26; while our Total Income for the same period of time was $322,284.88 – a gain of $19,441.62.  Our fund balance as of June 30, 2011 was $107,277.57; an increase in the fund balance of $19,441.62. We currently have $34,489.55 in our checking account, $60,368.38 in our PIAA corporate account, and $12,419.64 in a Certificate of Deposit. 

                        A motion was made by Tim Honeywell (AD- Berwick High School), seconded by Frank Parra (AD-Wyoming Area High School) to approve the Treasurer’s Report as submitted.  All Ayes

ITEM 5           Jim Higgins presented the Credentials Report.  There are 36 High Schools and 38 Junior High Schools present at today’s meeting.

ITEM 6           Chairman Frank Majikes introduced Brad Cashman, who, in turn, introduced Emily Rhinevault from Med Express.  Emily provided a brief presentation regarding the services offered by Med Express. They will be partnering with the PIAA and have 2 offices – Edwardsville and Wilkes-Barre, to serve member schools.  They will be offering trainers’ services if needed and will be providing low cost physicals as well.  Information and materials were provided to all member schools.  Brad Cashman then offered a review of the proposed amendment for consideration by the body at the meeting.  Ballots were distributed to each member High School and Junior High School:

·         An amendment to Article VI, Board of Directors and Officers, Section 2, Membership of the Board of Directors, subsection 1, and Section 3, Term of Office, of the PIAA Constitution, which, if approved, would (1) clarify and modernize Section 2, and (2) change the term limit for registered sports’ officials representatives from one year to two years, effective July 1, 2012.  72 Ayes, 6 Nays

ITEM 7           Brad Cashman, Executive Director of the PIAA, then offered other comments and remarks highlighting PIAA By-Law Amendment changes made during 2011-2012 as follows (all schools received handouts):

·         Amended Article II, Amateur Status and Awards, Section 3, Permissible Awards, of the PIAA By-Laws, to add a provision authorizing PIAA member schools to address issues relating to “pay to play” policies, effective July 1, 2012.

·         Amended Article III, Amateur Status and Awards, Section 3, Permissible Awards, subsection F, Payments to Schools. Of the PIAA By-Laws, to permit PIAA member schools to receive donations of athletic equipment and/or product consistent with the existing authorization to accept payments to schools of Consideration, effective July 1, 2012.

·         Amended Article III, Attendance, Section 11, Cooperative Sponsorship of a Sport, subsection B, Provisions Applicable to All Agreements, subsection 2, Requests to Approve Agreements, subsection (b), and subsection 3, Modification or Termination of Agreements, subsection (b), Grounds for Determination, of the PIAA By-Laws, to require that approved amendments be for a duration of at least a two year enrollment classification cycle, effective July 1, 2012.

·         Amended Article VI, Transfers, Residence, and Recruiting, Section 4, Regional Panel or District Committee Review, subsection (c), Review and Rescission of Presumptive Eligibility, of the PIAA By-Laws, to (1) reorganize that subsection and (2) rescind the provision that permits a student to regain eligibility after transferring again during an already imposed one year period of ineligibility, effective July 1, 2012.

·         Amended Article VII, Foreign Exchange Students, International Students, and Foreign Students, Section 1, Foreign Exchange Student, subsection 6, and Section 2, International Student, subsection 4, of the PIAA By-Laws, to require a Foreign Exchange Student or an International Student to meet the requirements of Article III, Amateur Status and Awards, of the PIAA By-Laws effective July 1, 2012.

·         Adopted an interpretation of Article XV, Officials, Section 4, Requirement of Written Contract, of the PIAA By-Laws, to clarify that member schools and/or assignors and sports officials may utilize electronic assignment programs to effectuate contracts to officiate contests, effective October 6, 2011.

·         Amended Article XV, Officials, Section 6, Removal of Registered Sports Officials, of the PIAA By-Laws, to (1) reorganize that section, (2) provide for the Executive Director to implement the statutorily required removal of certain sports officials, and (3) add a reinstatement provision following removal period, effective March 24, 2012.

·         Amended Article XVI, Season and out-of-season rules and regulations, Table II- Schedule of Winter Sports, of the PIAA By-Laws, to (1) assume jurisdiction over the girls’ sport of competitive spirit and (2) establish PIAA Competitive Sprit Championships on the Saturday prior to the PIAA Team Wrestling Championships weekend, effective July 1, 2012.

·         Amended Article XVI, Season and out-of-season rules and regulations, Table II-Schedule of Winter Sports, Note 6 of the PIAA By-Laws, to provide for a method of counting regular season individual tournaments, multiple school (dual) events, and combination tournaments, in the sport of wrestling, effective July 1, 2012.

·         Approved the recommendation of the PIAA Football Steering Committee to amend Article XVI, Season and out-of –season rules and regulations, Section 2, Rules and Regulations, subsection (c), Football, subsection 5, of the PIAA By-Laws, to clarify that participation on community based non-school affiliated youth fall football programs does not constitute a violation of subsection 2, provided such participation is concluded no later than December 31st of the same calendar year, effective July 1, 2012.

·         Amended Article XX, Amendments, of the PIAA By-Laws, to authorize the Executive Director to make technical, typographical, spelling and grammatical changes to the PIAA By-Laws, Policies and Procedures, and/or Rules and Regulations, in order to assure editorial continuity with substantive changes approved by the Board of Directors, and to delete provisions which have become obsolete, effective July 1, 2012.

ITEM 8           Brad Cashman then discussed current issues that the Board of Directors is discussing and urged schools to contact their District Chairperson and offer feedback:

·   The PIAA Board of Directors rejected the recommendation of the Executive Director to present an amendment to Article VII, Powers and Duties of the Board of Directors and Officers, Section 1, Powers and Duties of Board of Directors, of the PIAA Constitution, to the member schools for their vote at the 2012 District Annual Meetings, to require a minimum number of schools within a District to have representation on the Board of Directors effective July 1, 2014.

·   The PIAA Board of Directors accepted the recommendation of the PIAA Sports Medicine Advisory Committee to establish a new Section of the PIAA Comprehensive Pre-Participation Physical Evaluation (CIPPE) Form to replace Section 2, Certification of Parent/Guardian, with subsection F, Understanding of Risk of Concussion and Head Injury, which is consistent with the relevant provision of the Safety and Youth Sports Act 101 of 2011, effective March 22, 2012.

·   The PIAA Board of Directors is considering, due to the current economic climate, the reduction of the maximum number of Regular Season Contests in all sports, except football, and offered a hand out to all member schools present listing the reduction under consideration.

ITEM 9           Chairman Majikes introduced Jack O’Malley, Professor of Psychology at the University of Scranton and avid Coaching Education proponent. Dr. O’Malley then reviewed the current initiatives regarding coaching education in District II and praised the member schools for their hard work in working toward the goal of an education standard for coaching candidates.  Currently, District II sponsors an annual conference as well as coaching education workshops throughout the year.   

ITEM 10         Chairman Majikes led a discussion with member schools present regarding the District II Basketball Championship format.  Following the discussion, Chairman Majikes explained a survey will be developed addressing the concerns brought forward today and all member schools will be asked to participate.  The District II Committee will then analyze the results of the survey and make adjustments where necessary to the format of the tournament. Among the questions to be asked will be the potential for an open format in AA and AAA, the establishment of a point system in AAAA, and the format for the state championships based on a regional versus traditional format.  That survey will be distributed to member schools by the end of April. 

                        Chairman Majikes also reminded schools that District II does not sponsor any Junior High Championships and to disregard any information they receive to the contrary.

ITEM 11         NEW BUSINESS – The following new business items were conducted:

                        Mike Healy, Superintendent at Tunkhannock, entertained motions for the election of officers.

                        A motion was made by Sandy MacKay (AD- WVW) and   

seconded by Ken Janiszewski (AD – Tunkhannock) that the present committee  members be retained.  All Ayes

A motion was made by Frank Parra (AD-Wyoming Area), seconded by Tony Mozeleski (AD- Crestwood) that the nominations be closed.  All Ayes

The current committee members will be retained as presently constituted.

ITEM 14         A motion was made by Brian Durkin (AD-Forest City), seconded by Joe Gilhool (AD-Montrose Area) to adjourn.  All Ayes

Meeting was adjourned at 11:55 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Mike Ognosky

Mike Ognosky

District 2 Secretary