Chairman Majikes called the 86th Annual Business Meeting to order at 9:30 a.m.

ITEM 1 Chairman Majikes welcomed all of the representatives of the member schools and quickly introduced the PIAA District II committee members as well as PIAA Associate Executive Director Melissa Mertz, and PIAA Executive Director Dr. Robert Lombardi. Chairman Majikes followed by introducing District II Committee Member, Fred Barletta, who delivered both the invocation and the necrology.

ITEM 2 Chairman Majikes thanked all of the member schools for their cooperation during the past year in regard to hosting district championship events in all of the various sports. The cooperation of all of the member schools in District II is greatly appreciated. He also reminded all of the schools to take their two student-athlete plaques prior to leaving today.

ITEM 3 A motion was made by Scott Gower (AD – Scranton Prep), seconded by Tony Blaisure (AD-Elk Lake) to approve the minutes of the 2015 Annual Business meeting. Copies of those minutes were provided to all member schools present. All Ayes

ITEM 4 Pat Patte, District II Treasurer, gave the 2015 Treasurer’s Report. Our Total Expenses for the 2014-2015 operating year were $310,166.42; while our Total Income for the same period of time was $321,107.89 – a gain of $10,941.47. Our fund balance as of June 30, 2015 was $228,892.59; an increase in the fund balance of $10,941.47. We currently have $216,200.51 in our checking and saving accounts, and $12,692.08 in a Certificate of Deposit.

A motion was made by Joe Pizano (AD- Wyoming Area High School), seconded by Jeff Shook (AD-Lake-Lehman Area High School) to approve the Treasurer’s Report as submitted. All Ayes

ITEM 5 Bill King presented the Credentials Report. There are 44 High Schools and 50 Junior High Schools present at today’s meeting. Mr. Majikes thanked Walter Allabaugh and Matt Himlin for their assistance in taking attendance.

ITEM 6 Chairman Majikes reviewed a number of items with the member schools present:

·         Pending approval at today’s LIAA League Meeting, there will be a power rating in place for the 2016-17 District II Basketball playoffs. The rating will be determined by calculating both the Team Weighted Winning Percentage (TWWP) for District II teams utilizing their full 22 game schedule and their Opponents’ Weighted Winning Percentage (OWWP) utilizing all of their regular season and exhibition season games. All games against PIAA District II opponents will count in calculating a team’s TWWP and OWWP using the approved system. Games against non-District II PIAA opponents will use unweighted wins and losses for a team’s OWWP for that opponent; and, games against Non-PIAA opponents will use unweighted wins and losses for a team’s OWWP for that opponent. Teams are expected to complete all of their scheduled games. Games that are not made up are subject to a final rating affected by a multiplier.

·         Criteria for assignments in all District II Championship sports for 2016-2017 will be changed. The District will no longer be required to hold to the “geographic” method of appointing game officials in basketball, soccer, lacrosse, field hockey, football, baseball and softball. The league affiliation of the teams will no longer determine the makeup of the officiating crews as the assignors will work together to place the most deserving officials in district tournament competitions.

·         Chairman Majikes reviewed the recently conducted District II Basketball Championships held at the Mohegan Sun Arena and provided championship programs for all of the schools present today. More than 10,000 fans attended the two days of championship competition. He quickly reviewed the policy regarding gold passes at the Arena for the championships. Gold Passes were not accepted this year and will not be accepted in the future at the Mohegan Sun Championships.

ITEM 7 Chairman Majikes introduced Melissa Mertz, Associate Executive Director of the PIAA, who discussed the following talking points:

·         Reviewed the changes in the number of classifications in various sports for the 2016-17 and 2017-18 two year cycle. In the Fall, Football moves from 4 to 6 classifications, Girls Volleyball from 3 to 4, Soccer from 3 to 4, and Field Hockey from 2 to 3. In the Winter, Basketball from 4 to 6; and, in the Spring, Baseball from 4 to 6, Softball from 4 to 6, and Lacrosse from 1 to 2.

·         The PIAA is currently involved in a class action suit brought forward in District 7 regarding concussions. The suit involves two football players and 1 softball player.

·         There is also a court case involving the potential unionization of Boys & Girls Lacrosse Officials in Districts 7 & 8. The National Labor Relations Board is now reviewing the question as to whether PIAA officials should be considered independent contractors vs. employees. If officials are found to be employees they must pay union dues, taxes, and be subject to seniority vs. quality rules.

·         RFP’s are currently out for all the winter championships. The RFP’s are asking for 4 year contracts and the deadline for completing the RFP was April 22nd. Hopefully, those sites will be announced in late May or June.

·         The PIAA Coaching Education Requirement – effective July 1, 2016 – requires all coaches to undergo certification training in Coaching Fundamentals/Principles & First Aid. Coaches will have two years from the effective date in order to complete certification requirements. Coaches hired after July 1, 2016 will have two years from their hire date to complete the requirements.

·         The 2016 Baseball & Softball Championships have been moved up by one day to Thursday, June 16th due to scheduling commitments at Penn State.

ITEM 8 Dr. Robert Lombardi, Executive Director of the PIAA, then offered other comments and remarks highlighting the following points:

·         Reminded all schools that they must have their Emergency Action Plans (EAP) in place. The PIAA sent information on this to principals in September, 2015.

·         Explained that there were a number of By-Law changes that can be found on the PIAA website – they will be highlighted in the By-Law section in RED and include:

ü  Article II – Amateur status – regarding the signing of a contract for consideration/participation as well as the procedure to return donations to schools.

ü  Article X – Curriculum – regards a change involving students with disabilities.

ü  Sportsmanship & Unsportsmanlike Conduct – Athletic courtesy in the cancelling, scheduling or re-scheduling of contracts with schools

ü  Article XV- Officials – language is now consistent with the Child Protection Act and officials can not be assigned to a PIAA competition without completed clearances.

ü  Article XVI – Season & Out of Season Activities – definition of week “0” in Football for those schools who are now scheduling games on the second scrimmage date.

ü  Competitive Cheer Tryouts – spring try outs can’t include 7th and 8th graders. You can include those students for cheerleading squads for sports, but not for the Competitive Cheer squad.

·         Explained that there were a number of Policy Changes – they will be in RED on the PIAA website and include:

ü  Athletic transfer waiver request form – non-school athletic influences

ü  Drone policy – case by case basis for each school, drones can’t fly over competition surfaces

ü  Transgender policy –principal’s determination as to which gender student will participate in for the school year

ü  Payments by check for inter-district games – expedited process.

ü  There will be a 90 second limit for video streaming of inter-district PIAA contests and must have prior PIAA approval to do so.

·         CIPPE changes – shaded on PIAA website – certification date is not the authorized date. Items E & F – Section 2 must have a signature in order to comply with FIRPA and HIPPA requirements.

·         The Rawlings R2 football is not available as production has stopped due to a patent infringement finding. The PIAA will bid all ball contracts in January 2017 for a 4 year period. Football will be utilizing the Wilson GST 1003 for its inter district competitions.

·         Heat acclimatization for football must have 5 days beginning on Monday, August 8th or Tuesday, August 9th if schools are going to utilize week “0” as a play date. That will provide for 5 days of heat acclimatization and 5 days of full practice prior to first scrimmage date – first scrimmage date must be Saturday, August 20th.

ITEM 9 NEW BUSINESS – The following new business items were conducted:

Former Committee member, Marty Lawler, entertained motions for the election of members for the District II Committee for the 2016-2017 school year.

A motion was made by Joe Gilhool (Athletic Director-Montrose) and seconded by Cliff Jones (AD – Coughlin) that the present members be retained. All Ayes

A motion was made by Sandy Mackay (AD-WVW), seconded by Ken Janiszewski (AD- Tunkhannock) that the nominations be closed. All Ayes

The current committee members will be retained.

ITEM 10 Fred Barletta offered benediction.

ITEM 15 A motion was made by Ted Anderson (AD-Scranton), seconded by Jon Kandrick (AD-Crestwood) to adjourn. All Ayes

Meeting was adjourned at 10:50 a.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Mike Ognosky, District II Secretary