Meeting was convened at 8:45a.m. by Chairman Majikes
ITEM 1 Chairman Majikes welcomed member schools to the meeting and quickly introduced the PIAA District II committee members as well as PIAA Executive Director Dr. Robert Lombardi, and PIAA Associate Executive Director, Mrs. Melissa Mertz. Chairman Majikes followed by introducing District II Committee Member, Frank Galicki, who delivered both the invocation and the necrology.
ITEM 2 Chairman Majikes thanked all of the member schools for their cooperation during the past year in regard to hosting district championship events in all of the various sports. The cooperation of all of the member schools in District II is greatly appreciated.
ITEM 3 A motion was made by Simon Peters (AD – GAR), seconded by Joe Gilhool (AD-Montrose) to approve the minutes of the 2012 Annual Business meeting. Copies of those minutes were provided to all member schools present. All Ayes
ITEM 4 Frank Victor, District II Treasurer, gave the 2012 Treasurer’s Report. Our Total Expenses for the 2011-2012 operating year were $282,185.64; while our Total Income for the same period of time was $289,040.74 – a gain of $6,885.10. Our fund balance as of June 30, 2012 was $114,132.67; an increase in the fund balance of $6,885.10. We currently have $101,635.16 in our checking and saving accounts, and $12,479.51 in a Certificate of Deposit.
A motion was made by Russ Davis (AD- Hanover Area High School), seconded by Fred Barletta (AD-Hazleton Area High School) to approve the Treasurer’s Report as submitted. All Ayes
ITEM 5 Jim Higgins presented the Credentials Report. There are 44 High Schools and 47 Junior High Schools present at today’s meeting. That is 100 % representation at today’s meeting from member schools.
ITEM 6 Chairman Frank Majikes introduced Bob Lombardi, who, in turn, introduced Emily Rhinevault from Med Express. Emily provided a brief presentation regarding the services offered by Med Express. They will be partnering with the PIAA and have 2 offices – Edwardsville and Wilkes-Barre, to serve member schools. They will be offering trainers’ services if needed and will be providing low cost physicals as well. Information and materials were provided to all member schools. Bob Lombardi then offered a review of the proposed amendment for consideration by the body at the meeting. Ballots were distributed to each member High School and Junior High School:
· An amendment to Article VII, Powers and Duties of Board of Directors and Officers, Section 1, Powers and Duties of Board of Directors, of the PIAA Constitution, to the member schools for their vote at their 2013 District Annual Meetings, which, if approved, would clarify the duties of the PIAA Treasurer, effective July 1, 2013. 91 Ayes, 0 Nays
ITEM 7 Melissa Mertz, Associate Executive Director of the PIAA, then offered other comments and remarks highlighting PIAA By-Law Amendment changes made during 2012-2013 as follows (all schools received handouts):
· Rotate the time schedule for the AAA and AA Team and Singles/Doubles Tennis Tournaments beginning with the 2014-201 and 2015-2016 classification cycle.
· Amended the General Rule for Coach and Spectator Decorum in Golf to permit coaches and spectators to be either in front or behind the contestants, so long as they stay a minimum of 10 yards from the contestant.
· Establish a policy in Cross Country which would authorize the use of picture based technology in conjunction with the electronic timing system.
· Amended Article II, Amateur Status and Awards, Section 3, Permissible Awards, of the PIAA By-Laws, from $250 to $500.
· Amended Article VI, Transfers, Residence, and Recruiting, Section 2, Presumptive Eligibility, Section H, Transfer from Court Assigned School, of the PIAA By-Laws.
· Adopt a new provision to Article VI, Transfers, Residence and Recruiting, Section 5, Transfers following expulsion or anticipated expulsion, of the PIAA By-Laws.
· Amended Article V, Health, Section 4, of the PIAA By-Laws, to allow for the CIPPE to not be authorized earlier than June 1st and shall be effective, regardless of when performed during a school year, until the end of the school year.
ITEM 8 Bob Lombardi then discussed the current heat acclimatization program. PIAA member schools may adopt either of the following hear acclimatization models. The heat acclimatization program may be:
· The first 3 days of football practice commencing on the first starting day – Monday, August 12th. Helmets and shoulder pads with shorts the first 2 days and full gear on third day with contact permitted on the third day.
· These practices are limited to 5 hours of practice daily for the 3 days of heat acclimatization. Practice sessions may be no longer than 3 hours in length and teams must have 2 hours of rest between sessions.
· If starting the previous week by school option these days are to be three consecutive days and it is strongly recommended to host no earlier than Wednesday the previous week – August 7th. Helmets and shoulder pads with shorts the first 2 days and full gear on third day. No contact on third day as it is prior to the first start date of Monday, August 12th.
· If more than 48 hours passes between the conclusion of the heat acclimatization program and the first day of practice, the program will not have its intended affect medically. Therefore, these practices are limited to five hours per day with no contact on the third day since it is prior to the start of the stipulated fall season. It is recommended that if you chose the option of the previous week for heat acclimatization that you utilize Thursday, Friday, Saturday in order to eliminate the 48 hour time period.
· If starting the previous week option is chosen, Monday’s practice – August 12th – may be 5 hours with a 2 hour buffer between practices and contact may be included. Maximum individual practice length may be 3 hours.
ITEM 9 Bill King, Vice Chairman of the District II Committee, conducted the awarding of State Championship plaques to member schools.
ITEM 10 Tim Honeywell, District II Committee Member, reviewed the upcoming District II seminar on “How to Comply with Act 82 (Title IX) Legislation”. The seminar will be held at PNC Field, 235 Montage Mountain Road in Moosic on Tuesday, May 14th from 10 a.m. to noon. Peg Pennypacker, State College High School, will be the presentor. Lunch will be provided to attendees courtesy of District II.
ITEM 11 SPORTS REPORTS: The following sports reports were presented at
today’s meeting –
· Lacrosse (Al Holtzer): Al provided member schools with a copy of the format for the upcoming District II Lacrosse Championships. Information will also be placed on the District II website.
· Competitive Cheer (Chris Gegaris): In Chris’ absence, Jay Starnes presented an overview of the Competitive Cheer Championships and explained that the format for next year is currently being developed. He described last year as a “building the plane while it is in the air” experience.
· Wrestling (Jay Starnes): Jay announced to member schools that the 2014 District II Wrestling Championships (both Team and Individual) will be held at the Kingston Armory.
ITEM 12 Marty Lawler, retired member of the District II Committee, announced
the 2013 Dr. Richard M. McNichols Award winner, Ashley Teatum. The
award is presented annually to the member of the media selected by the
District II Committee for their dedication in the coverage of local high
school athletics. Ashley, a member of the Scranton Times Sports’
Department, was on hand to graciously accept the award.
ITEM 13 NEW BUSINESS – The following new business items were conducted:
Dr. Lombardi entertained motions for the election of committee members for the District II Committee for the 2013-2014 school year.
A motion was made by Sandy MacKay (AD- WVW) and
seconded by Cliff Jones (AD – Coughlin) that the present committee members be retained. All Ayes
A motion was made by Russ Davis (AD-Hanover Area), seconded by Joe Gilhool (AD- Montrose Area) that the nominations be closed. All Ayes
The current committee members will be retained as presently constituted.
ITEM 14 Frank Galicki offered benediction.
ITEM 15 A motion was made by Brian Durkin (AD-Forest City), seconded by Ted Anderson (AD-Scranton) to adjourn. All Ayes
Meeting was adjourned at 11:35 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Mike Ognosky, District II Secretary