Meeting was convened at 2:30 p.m. by Chairman Majikes

ITEM 1            Chairman Majikes called the meeting to order at 2:30 p.m. 

                        Absent but accounted for: James Marcks, Ross Scarantino, Phil Cappellini, Don Rogers

                        Advisor Present:  Jim Sabatini

ITEM 2            A motion was made by Maureen Williams, seconded by Tony Rusnak, to approve the minutes of the March 20, 2007 meeting.  All Ayes

ITEM 3            Frank Victor announced that he will have a complete treasurer’s report for presentation at the Annual Business Meeting later this afternoon.  Frank also distributed 2006-07 Expense Sheets to those committee members who have not yet received them and asked that they be returned as soon as possible.

ITEM 4            Chairman Majikes reviewed all of the various responsibilities for respective committee members as it relates to today’s Annual Business meeting and Awards’ Banquet.

ITEM 5            Chairman Majikes reviewed the banquet program for this evening.        

ITEM 6            Chairman Majikes briefly reviewed a recent correspondence he received

                        from District X Chairman, Wally Blucas, outlining a proposal to allow

                        PIAA member schools the opportunity to replace one of their allowed

                        two scrimmages with an exhibition game.   

ITEM 7            Chairman Majikes informed the Committee that District X has informed the other PIAA Districts that District X will not vote for the proposed Transfer Rule when it comes up for its third reading at the next PIAA State Committee meeting.  District X feels that the current transfer rule and principal – to – principal sign off has worked effectively for them.

ITEM 8Chairman Majikes presented a proposal from “Upper Perk Sportswear” to provide custom t-shirts for the District Track Championships.  Jim Sabatini, former Track Chairperson, explained to the committee that the current practice is to allow the host school the opportunity to provide this service as a thank you for hosting the event.  Following discussion, a motion was made by Ray Lowery, seconded by Jim Higgins, to deny the proposal from “Upper Perk Sportswear”.  All Ayes


§         Boys’ Volleyball (Maureen Williams):  Maureen presented the proposed format for this year’s tournament.  A motion was made by Don Kanavy, seconded by Frank Galicki, to approve the proposal as submitted.  All Ayes

§         Golf (Tony Rusnak):  Tony informed the Committee that there will be a meeting of the Golf Committee on May 1st in order to finalize the Fall Championships.

§         Boys’ Tennis (Joe Lalli):  Joe informed the Committee that all is ready for this year’s tournament.  Information is available to the District II Athletic Directors regarding the details. 

§         Swimming (Jim Higgins):  Jim informed the Committee he has met with representatives from the Wilkes-Barre CYC and the meet is set for that location for next year.  He also explained that the Swim Committee will be moving to qualifying times and standards for next year’s meet.  Details will be available in the Fall.

§         Cross Country (Bill King):  Bill explained that at the last steering committee meeting there was discussion regarding additional classifications in Cross Country.  No action has been taken by the State Committee in that regard.

§         Softball (Dino Galella):  Dino informed the Committee that all is set for the District Softball Championships.  Schools are reminded that the deadline for notification of withdrawal from the Open Tournament is May 9th.

§         Track and Field (Danielle DiPietro):  Danielle reviewed the upcoming Track and Field Championships and the discussion resulted in three motions.

A motion was made by Bill King, seconded by Tom Jenkins, to provide two additional team championship plaques for the Junior High Championships and award Boys’ and Girls’ Team Championships for Junior High in both AA and AAA classifications.  All Ayes

A motion was made by Danielle DiPietro, seconded by Ray Lowery, to provide the necessary software upgrade required by PIAA for reporting of District Championship results at a cost of approximately $200.  All Ayes

A motion was made by Mike Ognosky, seconded by Mike Costanza to approve the format for the District Track and Field Championships as submitted.  All Ayes

§         Sportsmanship (Frank Galicki):  Frank informed the Committee that Scranton Prep will be the recipient of this year’s District II Sportsmanship Award.

§         Girls Soccer (Ray Lowery):  Ray informed the Committee that all is set for the upcoming championships.

§         Football (Tom Jenkins):  Tom presented the Committee with the potential brackets for the State Football Championships for 2008-2009 based on either four, five or six classifications and asked committee members to review each bracket and provide feedback.

§         Baseball (Frank Majikes):  Frank presented the Committee with the format for the upcoming Baseball Championships.  A motion was made by Frank Galicki, seconded by Bill King, to approve as submitted.  All Ayes

All Championship information has been placed on the District II website at

ITEM 10          Chairman Majikes distributed information to committee members regarding the National Federation Student Leadership Conference to be held in Indianapolis from Thursday, July 19th to Sunday, July 22nd.  Any interested 9th or 10th grade student is urged to fill out an application.  The PIAA will be sending 6 student representatives from Pennsylvania (3 boys and 3 girls).

ITEM 11          Chairman Majikes distributed information regarding the efforts of the PIAA Strategic Planning Committee and informed the committee that the last meeting was held on April 13th.  Chairman Majikes represents District II on that committee

ITEM 12          Chairman Majikes distributed a recent article in the Sunday Dispatch (April 1, 2007) discussing the recent PIAA District II Committee action in an incident that occurred at a boys’ basketball game involving Wyoming Area and Wilkes-Barre GAR.

ITEM 13          Chairman Majikes distributed an updated directory of the members of the District II Committee.  That information can be found on the webpage under “Committee Members”

ITEM 19          A motion was made by Tom Finan, seconded by Frank Galicki, to adjourn the meeting.  All Ayes

Meeting was adjourned at 3:25 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Mike Ognosky

Mike Ognosky

District II Secretary