Meeting was convened at 3:15 p.m. by Chairman Majikes
ITEM 1 Chairman Majikes called the meeting to order at 3:15 p.m.
Absent, but accounted for: Mike Costanza and Jay Starnes
Guests present included Tim McGinley, Tom Jenkins and Melissa Mertz
ITEM 2 Chairman Majikes welcomed the two newest members of the District II Committee; Al Holtzer, Delaware Valley Athletic Director and Tim Honeywell, Berwick Athletic Director. He also provided each member with the District II Committee Directory and asked the Secretary to update the information on the PIAA District II website, Members reviewed the list and provided updates on information listed.
ITEM 3 Melissa Mertz, newly appointed Associate Executive Director of the PIAA, provided a report to the District II Committee regarding the recent restructuring of the PIAA State Offices as well as other important issues:
· As of the July, 2012 PIAA State Board of Directors meeting, all of the state board meetings will be conducted in a wireless fashion, eliminating the bulk of paper. Also, there will be many changes and improvements to the PIAA state website at She asked that member schools visit the website often and comment on the changes.
· The restructuring in the PIAA State Office includes the naming of Robert Lombardi as the new Executive Director of the PIAA, Mark Byers as the new Chief Operating Officer, Melissa Mertz as the new Associate Executive Director; and, Pat Gebhart as the new Assistant Executive Director. Pat will be assuming many of the responsibilities previously completed by Bob Lombardi in his role with PIAA Officials.
· The recently conducted annual PIAA Officials’ Convention was held n Harrisburg on August 3rd and 4th at the Hilton.
· The CIPPE form for physicals has undergone a number of changes including a sign off regarding sudden cardiac arrest and concussion symptoms. The PIAA State Office has been meeting with the Department of Health and Department of Education in order to meet the requirements of the law.
· The PIAA state website,, now contains links to the National Federation of High School’s free coaches’ education program. There are currently 5 free modules available on that site. Those courses are also available on \.
· The State Board of Directors has established a Football Special Committee, chaired by District III Chairman Sam Elias, to study a number of issues related to football. That Committee will then report back to the state board.
· A rather lengthy discussion ensued regarding the new sport of Competitive Cheer. Our District Sports’ Chairperson for Competitive Cheer is Chris Gegaris and he will be distributing information to member schools as it becomes available. The first state championship competition will be held at the Hershey Park Arena on February 2, 2013. There are three classifications of teams including small (1-15 members on the squad); medium (16-20 members); and large (over 20 member squads). District II has 10 qualifying spots available for the state championships regardless of the division.
ITEM 4 A motion was made by Pat Patte, seconded by Bill Schoen, to approve the minutes of the June 20, 2012 meeting. All Ayes
ITEM 5 Frank Victor, District II Treasurer, reviewed the “Statement of Financial Position for Year Ended June 30, 2012” report to the committee. The District ended fiscal year 2011-2012 with a balance of $114,132.67, as compared to the beginning balance of $107,7.57, a net increase in the District II Treasury of $6,855.10. During the course of the year, District II gathered $289,040.74 in revenue and incurred net expenses of $282,185.64. It was also reported that during the course of the 2011-2012 year, member schools received school shares for football totaling $23,618, and school shares for football totaling $10,533. A motion was made by Frank Galicki, seconded by Danielle Adams, to approve the treasurer’s report as given. All Ayes
· Baseball: Frank Majikes reported that he has made initial contact with Lackawanna Stadium officials regarding the potential for the use of the stadium to host all four of our 2013 District Baseball Championship Contests on Memorial Day 2013. Those discussions will continue and information will be forthcoming.
· Basketball: Frank Majikes reported that the PIAA State Board of Directors voted overwhelmingly at their July 2013 board meeting to continue the current bracketing procedures for the state basketball championships rather than utilizing a regional approach to the bracketing. He also informed the committee that the Kings College gymnasium has reduced its seating capacity by approximately 1,000 seats due to renovations.
· Cheerleading: As reported earlier in the minutes, Chris Gegaris will be providing updates to the schools regarding the 2012-13 initial championships.
· Cross Country: Bill King announced that the District II Cross Country Championships will be held at Elk Lake on Wednesday, October 24th with a rain date of Saturday, October 27th. There will be three classifications this year – A, AA, and AAA. He also asked that the committee approve the awarding of individual medals as follows: 10 for AAA Boys, 10 for AAA Girls, 15 for A Boys, 15 for A Girls, 20 for AA Boys, 20 for AA Girls. This is in addition to the team medals that will be presented. A motion was made by Mike Ognosky, seconded by Pat Patte, to approve the distribution of medals as recommended. All Ayes
· Field Hockey: A discussion was held regarding the 2012 District II format. Following the discussion, a motion was made by Frank Galicki, seconded by Maureen Williams, that the District II Field Hockey Chairperson, discuss the format with the member schools and report back to the District II Chairperson with a finalized proposed format. The format will then be distributed to the Committee members for their approval followed by the distribution to the member schools by early September. All Ayes
· Football: Mike Ognosky reviewed the football format for the 2012 District II Championships. A motion was made by Eric Emmerich, seconded by Bill King, to approve the format as presented. All Ayes.
· Golf: Joe Farrell announced that the Team Championships will be held at Paupack Hills on October 5th and the Individual Championships will be conducted at Fox Hill on October 8th. More information will be forthcoming as there are now 2 classifications in Golf in both the Team and Individual Championships. A motion was made by Maureen Williams, seconded by Chris Thomas, to approve the format as presented. All Ayes
· Volleyball: Maureen Williams announced that the dates for the 2012 District II Girls’ Volleyball Championships will be October 29, 30, 31 and November 1. A motion was made by Chris Thomas, seconded by Frank Galicki, to approve the report as delivered. All Ayes
ITEM 7 The Committee acted upon the following motions regarding student athlete eligibility:
· A motion was made by Danielle Adams, seconded by Frank Galicki, to approve the immediate eligibility of Patrick Barney, Carbondale to Honesdale, in accordance with Article VI, Transfers, Residence, and Recruiting, Section 4, Principal to Principal sign off, of the PIAA By-Laws. All Ayes
· A motion was made by Chris Gegaris, seconded by Jim Higgins, to approve the immediate eligibility of Tyler Allen, Western Wayne to Wallenpaupack, in accordance with Article VI, Transfers, Residence, and Recruiting, Section 4, Principal to Principal sign off, of the PIAA By-Laws. All Ayes
· A motion was made by Tim Honeywell, seconded by Pat Patte, to approve the immediate eligibility of Marquis Brownlee, Scranton to West Scranton, in accordance with Article VI, Transfers, Residence, and Recruiting, Section 4, Principal to Principal sign off, of the PIAA By-Laws. All Ayes
· A motion was made by Vito Quaglia, seconded by Maureen Williams, to approve the immediate eligibility of Jordan McCloe, Abington Heights to West Scranton, in accordance with Article VI, Transfers, Residence, and Recruiting, Section 4, Principal to Principal sign off, of the PIAA By-Laws. All Ayes
· A motion was made by Danielle Adams, seconded by Frank Galicki, to approve the immediate eligibility of Jaleel Howard, Scranton to West Scranton, in accordance with Article VI, Transfers, Residence, and Recruiting, Section 4, Principal to Principal sign off, of the PIAA By-Laws. All Ayes
· A motion was made by Eric Emmerich, seconded by Joe Farrell, to approve the immediate eligibility of Michael Senese, Pittston Area to Holy Redeemer, in accordance with Article VI, Transfers, Residence, and Recruiting, Section 4, Principal to Principal sign off, of the PIAA By-Laws. All Ayes
· A motion was made by Al Holtzer, seconded by Bill Schoen, to approve the immediate eligibility of Anastasia Stevens, Wyoming Seminary to Holy Redeemer, in accordance with Article VI, Transfers, Residence, and Recruiting, Section 4, Principal to Principal sign off, of the PIAA By-Laws. All Ayes
· A motion was made by Pat Sheehan, seconded by Chris Thomas, to approve the immediate eligibility of William Mullin, Scranton Prep to Holy Redeemer, in accordance with Article VI, Transfers, Residence, and Recruiting, Section 4, Principal to Principal sign off, of the PIAA By-Laws. All Ayes
· A motion was made by Bill King, seconded by Eric Emmerich, to approve the immediate eligibility of John Yurkoski, Hanover Area to Holy Redeemer, in accordance with Article VI, Transfers, Residence, and Recruiting, Section 4, Principal to Principal sign off, of the PIAA By-Laws. All Ayes
· A motion was made by Joe Farrell, seconded by Al Holtzer, to approve the immediate eligibility of Hannah Thornton, Crestwood to Holy Redeemer, in accordance with Article VI, Transfers, Residence, and Recruiting, Section 4, Principal to Principal sign off, of the PIAA By-Laws. All Ayes
· A motion was made by Bill Schoen, seconded by Pat Sheehan, to approve the immediate eligibility of Alaena Lloyd, Wyoming Valley West to Meyers, in accordance with Article VI, Transfers, Residence, and Recruiting, Section 4, Principal to Principal sign off, of the PIAA By-Laws. All Ayes
· A motion was made by Jim Higgins, seconded by Maureen Williams, to approve the immediate eligibility of Peter Briar, Scranton to Scranton Prep, in accordance with Article VI, Transfers, Residence, and Recruiting, Section 4, Principal to Principal sign off, of the PIAA By-Laws. All Ayes
· A motion was made by Chris Gegaris, seconded by Jim Higgins, to approve the immediate eligibility of Christopher Cerminaro, Carbondale to Scranton Prep, in accordance with Article VI, Transfers, Residence, and Recruiting, Section 4, Principal to Principal sign off, of the PIAA By-Laws. All Ayes
· A motion was made by Tim Honeywell, seconded by Frank Galicki, to approve the immediate eligibility of Jeffery Rieder, Lakeland to Scranton Prep, in accordance with Article VI, Transfers, Residence, and Recruiting, Section 4, Principal to Principal sign off, of the PIAA By-Laws. All Ayes
· A motion was made by Eric Emmerich, seconded by Joe Farrell, to approve the immediate eligibility of Patrick Dietz, Stuarts Draft (Virginia) to Tunkhannock, in accordance with Article VI, Transfers, Residence, and Recruiting, Section 4, Principal to Principal sign off, of the PIAA By-Laws. All Ayes
· A motion was made by Bill Schoen, seconded by Chris Thomas, to approve the immediate eligibility of Corey Adams, Hanover Area to Meyers, in accordance with Article VI, Transfers, Residence, and Recruiting, Section 4, Principal to Principal sign off, of the PIAA By-Laws. All Ayes
· A motion was made by Bill King, seconded by Pat Sheehan, to approve the immediate eligibility of Parrish Bennett, Hanover Area to Meyers, in accordance with Article VI, Transfers, Residence, and Recruiting, Section 4, Principal to Principal sign off, of the PIAA By-Laws. All Ayes
ITEM 8 A motion was made by Pat Patte, seconded by Eric Emmerich, to approve the application for Junior High membership to the PIAA of Susquehanna Prep in Forty Fort. All Ayes
ITEM 9 Chairman Majikes reported to the Committee the following informational items regarding District II schools:
· St. Gregory’s Academy will no longer have membership as a PIAA member school.
· Scranton Prep has added Boys’ Lacrosse to its sponsored sports programs.
· Wyoming Seminary has appealed the District II Committee case regarding a recent eligibility cause to the PIAA State Offices. The appeals hearing on that matter will be held at the State Offices on Thursday, August 23rd.
· Mr. Majikes has been in correspondence with Wilkes-Barre GAR regarding their Corrective Action Report and will have a report for the full committee at the next District II Committee Meeting.
ITEM 10 A motion was made by Danielle Adams, seconded by Chris Thomas, to approve the cooperative sponsorship in the sports of Boys’ and Girls Soccer between Lake-Lehman and Northwest Area. All Ayes
ITEM 11 There is currently an opening of the District II Committee for a Principal from the Lackawanna Interscholastic Athletic Association (LIAA). The District II Secretary will post the vacancy on the District II website at All interested candidates are requested to send a letter of interest and resume to Chairman Majikes prior to the September 17th deadline.
ITEM 12 Chairman Majikes distributed a copy of the 2012-2013 PIAA Constitution and By Laws to committee members present. He also distributed copies of information received from the recently conducted National Federation of High Schools Conference held in Nashville, Tennessee as well as the recently conducted PIAA Board of Directors meeting held in Mechanicsburg on July 26th and 27th.
ITEM 13 A motion was made by Frank Galicki, seconded by Bill Schoen, to retain the current officers of the District II Committee for the 2012-2013 year. All Ayes
ITEM 14 A motion was made by Danielle Adams, seconded by Pat Sheehan, to adjourn the meeting.
Meeting was adjourned at 6:13 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Mike Ognosky
Mike Ognosky
District II Secretary