Meeting was convened at 5:30 p.m. by Chairman Majikes

ITEM 1 Chairman Majikes called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m.

Absent, but accounted for: Fred Barletta, Ron Collins, Brian Durkin, Joseph Farrell, and Jay Starnes

ITEM 2 A motion was made by Bill Schoen, seconded by Maureen Williams, to approve the minutes of the July 24, 2018 meeting. All Ayes

ITEM 3 Pat Patte presented the monthly treasurer’s report. As of July 31, 2018 the total fund balance was at $250,149.16. This includes a total checking account total of $170,538.35; a money market account total of $66,844.82; and, a Certificate of Deposit of $12,765.99. Following the presentation of the report a motion was made by Bill King, seconded by Hal Gabriel, to approve the report as presented. All Ayes


·         Cross Country (Bill King): Bill King announced that the 2018 District II Cross Country Championships will be held at Lakeland High School on Wednesday, October 24, 2018. The rain date has been established for Saturday, October 27, 2018. More information regarding the Championships will be forthcoming.

·         Tennis (John Coyle): John Coyle presented the tennis format for the 2018 Girls’ Tennis Championships for approval. He emphasized that the team championship will now be based on the Power Rating System and will have at least 8 teams entered in each classification. Following discussion, a motion was made by Pat Patte, seconded by John Haas, to approve the format as presented. All Ayes

The format will be distributed to all Athletic Directors and placed on the website.

·         Special Committee Reports (Bill Schoen): Bill Schoen reviewed the minutes of the August 1, 2018 Sponsorship Committee. The meeting was conducted via phone conference and included Bill Schoen, Mike Ognosky, Ron Collins, Eric Emmerich, Frank Majikes, and Chad Vinansky. Mike Ognosky reviewed the website usage statistics explaining that we had over 12 million visitors to date. The most visited pages are the various championship pages as well as the Committee member page and Current District Champions page. He also explained that the new format for the District II webpage is scheduled to be unveiled by January, 2019. Chairman Majikes and Bill Schoen shared some insight on current websites, most notably the PIAA State website and the District XI website that take advantage of advertisement revenue through their sites. The committee brainstormed a variety of potential revenue streams available and those discussions will continue at future meetings.

·         Officials (Bill Schoen & Maureen Williams): Bill Schoen and Maureen Williams presented a press release that discussed the number of opportunities that are available to potential PIAA sports officials in various sports. Bill emphasized that with the ever increasing PIAA Sponsored sports there are all sorts of choices available for those interested in High School sports’ officiating.

ITEM 5 Chairman Majikes informed the committee that he is planning on attending the Wyoming Valley Conference and Lackawanna League Athletic Directors’ meetings scheduled in the upcoming week. One of the items he will be emphasizing at that meeting is to monitor your student/athletes that participate in Foreign Exchange programs and to remind those athletes and their families that if they participate in athletics while abroad as part of their program that it will count as a year of eligibility. If they do not participate in their year abroad, they will maintain their eligibility status when they return.

ITEM 6 Chairman Majikes discussed a communication from Mark Byers regarding the PIAA Document Portal. Committee members were surveyed and a number have already utilized the portal in this year’s transfer waiver process. Complete information regarding the portal is available on the District II website. In the communication dated Tuesday, August 13, 2018 the PIAA state office informed the PIAA State Committee that 536 transfer requests had already been processed utilizing the portal.

ITEM 7 Mike Ognosky reviewed the current status of the Power Rating System that is up and running on the District II webpage. The member schools have completed about 75 % of their schedule entry information on the site and we are moving forward toward the start of the 2018-2019 season. Information will continually be updated regarding the system and Athletic Directors are encouraged to ask either Mike Ognosky or Frank Majikes any questions regarding the process.

ITEM 8 The Committee acted upon the following motions regarding student athlete eligibility:

·         A motion was made by Pat Patte, seconded by Hal Gabriel, to direct the Chairman to schedule a hearing regarding the transfer of Sam Aronica, Dunmore to North Pocono. All Ayes

·         A motion was made by Tim Hopkins, seconded by Bill King, to direct the Chairman to schedule a hearing regarding the transfer of Caitlyn Coar, Scranton to North Pocono. All Ayes

·         A motion was made by Bill King, seconded by Hal Gabriel, to approve the immediate eligibility of Christian Graniel, West Scranton to Scranton Prep, in accordance with Article VI, Transfers, Residence, and Recruiting, Section 4, Principal to Principal sign off, of the PIAA By-Laws. 10 Ayes, 1 Nay

·         A motion was made by John Haas, seconded by Chris Gegaris, to direct the Chairman to schedule a hearing regarding the transfer of Coby Kornfield, Scranton Prep to Holy Redeemer. All Ayes

·         A motion was made by Bill King, seconded by Eric Emmerich, to approve the immediate eligibility of Kollin Leschinsky, Scranton Prep to North Pocono, in accordance with Article VI, Transfers, Residence, and Recruiting, Section 4, Principal to Principal sign off, of the PIAA By-Laws. All Ayes

·         A motion was made by John Haas, seconded by Ben Tolerico, to approve the immediate eligibility of Darian Tyson, Wyoming Valley West to Wilkes-Barre Meyers, in accordance with Article VI, Transfers, Residence, and Recruiting, Section 4, Principal to Principal sign off, of the PIAA By-Laws. All Ayes

·         A motion was made by Ben Tolerico, seconded by Hal Gabriel, to approve the immediate eligibility of Zev Kornfield, Holy Redeemer to Wyoming Valley West, in accordance with Article VI, Transfers, Residence, and Recruiting, Section 4, Principal to Principal sign off, of the PIAA By-Laws. All Ayes

·         A motion was made by Chad Vinansky, seconded by Pat Patte, to approve the immediate eligibility of Travmain Clark, John Bartram to Wyoming Valley West, in accordance with Article VI, Transfers, Residence, and Recruiting, Section 4, Principal to Principal sign off, of the PIAA By-Laws. All Ayes

·         A motion was made by Chad Vinansky, seconded by Eric Emmerich, to approve the immediate eligibility of Haley Jendrzejewski, Wyoming Valley West to Holy Redeemer, in accordance with Article VI, Transfers, Residence, and Recruiting, Section 4, Principal to Principal sign off, of the PIAA By-Laws. All Ayes

·         A motion was made by Bill Schoen, seconded by Chris Gegaris, to approve the immediate eligibility of Samuel Solomon, Wyoming Valley West to Wyoming Area, in accordance with Article VI, Transfers, Residence, and Recruiting, Section 4, Principal to Principal sign off, of the PIAA By-Laws. All Ayes

·         A motion was made by Chad Vinansky, seconded by Dave Novrocki, to approve the immediate eligibility of Fiona Jordan, Dunmore to Holy Cross, in accordance with Article VI, Transfers, Residence, and Recruiting, Section 4, Principal to Principal sign off, of the PIAA By-Laws. All Ayes

ITEM 9 A motion was made by Bill King, seconded by Eric Emmerich, to

approve the eligibility of Charlotte Inguerson, Denmark to Dallas, in accordance with Article VII, Foreign Exchange Students, of the PIAA By-Laws. All Ayes

ITEM 10 Chairman Majikes informed the committee that Abington Heights has

informed the PIAA State Office in a communication dated August 13,

2018, that they will now be sponsoring Girls’ Golf as a sport.

ITEM 11 Chairman Majikes informed the committee that his office received a “thank you” letter from Madison Woods, a recipient of the PIAA Scholar-Athlete plaque at Wyoming Valley West.

ITEM 12 Chairman Majikes provided to each committee member a copy of the following items –the 2018-19 PIAA Constitution and By-Laws; and, the 2018-19 PIAA Calendar of Championship Events.

ITEM 13 Chairman Majikes presented to each committee member a flyer from the PIAA State Office regarding the NFHS ruling on the Adidas football spike that is not compliant with the current 2018 NFHS Football and Soccer rules. The non-compliance ONLY applies to the Adizero 5-Star 7.0 “Sunday’s Best” red spike cleat, article number CQ1271. Information regarding this shoe has been distributed to all Athletic Directors in District II.

ITEM 14 Chairman Majikes presented to each committee member a news release from the Senate of Pennsylvania dated August 8, 2018 entitled “PIAA Solutions Should Ensure Fairness to All” an op-ed by Senate President Pro-Tempore Joe Scarnati (R-25).

ITEM 15 A motion was made by Chris Gegaris, seconded by Tim Hopkins, to adjourn the meeting.

Meeting was adjourned at 6:48 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Mike Ognosky

Mike Ognosky

District II Secretary