Meeting was convened at 4:15 p.m. by Chairman Majikes
ITEM 1 Chairman Majikes called the meeting to order at 4:15 p.m.
Absent, but accounted for: Tom Jenkins, Frank Victor, Frank Galicki, Ray Lowery, James Marcks, Ross Scarantino, Phil Cappellini
Advisor Present: Phil Latinski
Following the call to order, Chairman Majikes moved the meeting into a closed session at the request of the school and the family in order to conduct the eligibility hearing regarding Gabe Blades, a student at Wilkes-Barre GAR asking for immediate eligibility in accordance with Article III, Section 3, “Attendance”.
Committee returned from closed session at 4:31 p.m. A motion was made
by Tony Rusnak, seconded by Jim Higgins, to waive the absences of 5/26, 5/30, 5/31, 6/1 and 6/2/2006 in this case and grant immediate eligibility to
Gabe Blades, student at Wilkes-Barre GAR.
Chairman Majikes congratulated Maureen Williams, Women’s Officials Representative, and Mike Costanza, Parent’s Represenative, for their recent election to the PIAA State Board of Directors in their respective areas.
ITEM 2 A motion was made by Bob Okrasinski, seconded by Mike Costanza, to approve the minutes of the May 15, 2006 meeting. All Ayes
ITEM 3 In Frank Victor’s absence there was no treasurer’s report at this meeting.
ITEM 4 A motion was made by Mike Ognosky, seconded by Tom Finan, to approve the 2006-2007 officer’s committee recommendation for game workers’ fees for all district events. All Ayes
Frank Victor will review this document carefully at a future meeting with all committee workers.
ITEM 5 a.) A motion was made by Jim Higgins, seconded by Mike Costanza, to approve the eligibility of James Sabia, North Pocono to Dunmore, in accordance with Article VI, “Transfers and Residence”, principal – to – principal sign off. All Ayes
b.) A motion was made by Tony Rusnak, seconded by Joe Lalli, to approve the eligibility of Taia Puffenberger, Wyoming Seminary to Dallas, in accordance with Article VI, “Transfers and Residence”, principal – to – principal sign off. All Ayes
c.) A motion was made by Maureen Williams, seconded by Don Kanavy, to approve the eligibility of Walter Pabst, Dunmore to Scranton, in accordance with Article VI, “Transfers and Residence”, principal –to – principal sign off. All Ayes
ITEM 6 Chairman Majikes distributed the District II Committee Meeting dates for the 2006-2007 school year. Committee will meet on the 3rd Wednesday of the month at 4:15 p.m. A schedule was distributed to all members present.
ITEM 7 Chairman Majikes distributed the District II Committee Member Contact List for the 2006-2007 school year. Committee members were asked to review the information and get back to Frank with any changes.
ITEM 8 Chairman Majikes shared a letter from the West Scranton administration
thanking the committee for their consideration in granting one of their
students eligibility for last school year. That student has since graduated
and had a very gratifying experience last year.
ITEM 9 Chairman Majikes presented the committee members present information regarding the Blue Ridge Softball program that was provided to the PIAA State Office. Following a review of the information, the committee directed that the Blue Ridge Administration be present at the September meeting to answer committee questions regarding the material presented.
ITEM 10 Chairman Majikes presented the committee members present with the 2006-2007 PIAA Schedule of Events for each sport. Information included the first practice date, minimum length of preseason practice, date for the first inter-school practice or scrimmage, maximum number of inter-school practices or scrimmages, first regular season contest date, maximum length of the regular season, maximum number of regular season contests, and, last regular season contest date and district dealine.
a.) Boys Tennis (Joe Lalli): Joe thanked Gerry Fulmer for his efforts in assisting with the District Championships.
b.) Softball (Bob Okrasinski): Bob thanked Tony Modrovsky for his efforts in assisting with the District Championships.
c.) Golf (Tony Rusnak): Tony discussed the possibility of a District II Girls’ Team Championship and asked committee members present for any information on the possibility of their being teams who are qualified for consideration – must play the minimum number of required contests to be eligible. At first discussion, there does not appear to be a need for a District Girls’ Team Championship for this year.
d.) Cross Country (Bill King): Bill informed the committee that the District Junior High Championships will be at Kirby Park and the Varsity Championships will be held at Scranton Municipal Golf Course.
e.) Girls’ Volleyball (Maureen Williams): There will be 3 classifications in Girls’ Volleyball this fall and each classification will conduct its own District II Championship.
ITEM 12 A motion was made by Tom Finan, seconded by Mike Ognosky, to accept, with regret, the resignations of Jim Sabatini and Bob Okrasinski from the District II Committee as both have begun their retirements. All Ayes
Chairman Majikes announced that the 2 vacancies will be filled as follows: (1) One will be filled by an appointment from one of the Wilkes-Barre School District High Schools; (2) Second will be filled by an appointment from one of the remaining schools from the Wyoming Valley Conference. Interested individuals from those member schools are asked to send a brief resume to Frank Majikes no later than September 15, 2006. Chairman Majikes will circulate this announcement through the member schools in the Wyoming ValleyConference.
ITEM 13 The new website for District II will be available in the near future. The web master responsibilities will return to a District II individual. The site will be previewed in the coming week by the officers and will then be made available to the public.
ITEM 14 STATE SPORTS REPORTS: Chairman Majikes reviewed a number of informational items from the last PIAA State Board of Directors meeting including a discussion of Lacrosse as a potential PIAA sponsored sport, the inclusion of boys on girls teams and vice versa, the number of baseball and softball contests for the upcoming year (will remain at 20) and the distance of the pitching mound in softball.
ITEM 15 A motion was made by Joe Lalli, seconded by Maureen Williams, to adjourn the meeting. All Ayes
Meeting was adjourned at 5:38 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Mike Ognosky
Mike Ognosky
District II Secretary