Meeting was convened at 4:15 p.m. by Chairman Majikes
ITEM 1 Chairman Majikes called the meeting to order at 4:15 p.m.
Absent but accounted for: Jay Starnes, Vito Quaglia, and Mike Costanza
Advisors Present: Phil Latinski
ITEM 2 A motion was made by Tom Jenkins, seconded by Jim Marcks, to approve the minutes of the January 20, 2010 meeting. All Ayes
ITEM 3 Frank Victor presented the Treasurer’s report. As of February 17, 2010 the District II total fund balance is $131,624.30. Of that amount, $71,116.14 is located in Certificates of Deposit and the remaining $60,508.16 is located in Savings ($5,739.73) and Checking ($54,768.43) accounts. The starting fund balance for the District as of July 1, 2009 was $134,459.24.
A motion was made by Frank Galicki, seconded by Dino Galella, to approve the treasurer’s report as submitted. All Ayes
ITEM 4 Chairman Majikes led a discussion regarding the current duties, responsibilities, and stipends for the positions of District II Treasurer and District II Secretary. Following the discussion, a motion was made by Tom Jenkins, seconded by Bill Schoen, to increase the stipend for the District II Treasurer’s position from $5,000 to $7,000 annually; and, to increase the stipend for the District II Secretary’s position from $4,000 to $6,000 annually. All Ayes (Victor and Ognosky abstain)
ITEM 5 Chairman Majikes reviewed the results of the most recent District II Audit conducted by the Certified Public Accountants’ Firm of Boyer & Ritter located in Camp Hill, Pa. The report from the firm was outstanding and made limited suggestions to the District II Committee regarding recommended procedural changes including the following:
· Presently, a single individual prepares and signs checks, reconciles bank accounts, and maintains the general ledger or books of record. To the extent possible, the duties should be segregated to serve as a check and balance on the activity and to maintain the best control system possible. We recommend the District segregate bank account reconciliation duties from cash receipts and/or cash disbursements duties.
· Since the contest reports are the critical document that supports the District’s activity, we recommend that the District consider using a standard game report at all district contests. In addition, we suggest that contest managers not be paid for their services until a complete and acceptable report has been filed with the person responsible for the contest reports at the District level.
· Finally, it is recommended that the District require two signatures on the contest report as a check and balance. Currently, only the contest manager is required to sign the report.
ITEM 6 A motion was made by Danielle Adams, seconded by Jim Higgins, to accept, with regret, the resignation of Dino Galella from the District II Committee. All Ayes
The vacancy will be posted and a replacement on the District II Committee will be made from an administrative position in the Wilkes-Barre Area School District.
ITEM 7Chairman Majikes reviewed with the committee the current status of the Dallas Area School District appeal to the PIAA State Office regarding the District II Committee ruling following the December hearing. The Committee was provided a copy of the correspondence from Jeffrey D. Shaffer, Principal of the Dallas Area Senior High School, outlining the District’s appeal based on procedural concerns. Also included was the response from Bradley Cashman, Executive Director of the PIAA, following the procedural hearing with the PIAA. The letter includes the finding of the PIAA Board of Directors hearing as stated, “On the basis of the foregoing, the PIAA Board of Directors, by unanimous vote (25-0), voted 1) to deny the request of Dallas High School to reverse the District II Committee decision based on asserted procedural deficiencies and 2) to allow Dallas High School to supplement the record on appeal to allow testimony from those Coaches and student-athletes who otherwise would have testified before the District II Committee but for 5th Amendment concerns by them. Accordingly, this matter is scheduled for a hearing on the merits of the Dallas appeal on 9 a.m. on Friday, March 12, 2010, before a PIAA Board of Appeal.”
ITEM 8 District II Secretary Mike Ognosky reviewed the program schedule for the March 10, 2010 in-service to be held at the University of Scranton. The program is scheduled from 5 – 9 p.m. and all member schools have received correspondence with a reservation deadline of March 3, 2010. Schools are asked to contact Frank Majikes be either FAX or e-mail by that date. Those contact numbers are on the correspondence that was sent out to the member schools.
· Swimming (Jim Higgins) – District II Swim Chairman, Jim Higgins, reports that all is set for the District II Swimming and Diving Championships. Information is available on the web site and has also been sent to all Athletic Directors.
· Football (Tom Jenkins) – District II Football Chairman, Tom Jenkins, held a discussion with the Committee regarding a number of items regarding the District II Football Championships as we move into a new two year cycle. Included in the discussion were the following items: Sites for District II Championship Contests and Ticket prices for the next two year cycle. The Committee asked that Chairman Majikes contact current site managers and report back to the committee with a recommendation. Also, a motion was made by Frank Galicki, seconded by Jeff Gregory, to increase the ticket prices for District II Football Contests from the current $5 adults/$3 students to $6 adults/$3 students for the 2010 District II Championships. All Ayes
· Track and Field (Danielle Adams) – District II Committee member, Gerry Grimaud, asked the Committee to consider recommending to the WVC and LIAA that the number of Track and Field contests that are currently scheduled be increased. A discussion ensued and the District II Committee felt that the District II Committee has, by practice, not made recommendations to leagues regarding their league schedules, and should continue to follow that practice.
ITEM 10 Chairman Majikes reviewed with the committee the summary of the PIAA Board of Directors’ Actions at its meeting of Thursday, January 28th and Friday, January 29th, 2010. Highlights included:
· Accepted Consolidated Statewide Audited Financial Statements for Year Ended June 30, 2009.
· Accepted Recommendation of Staff to Award the Following Manufacturers “Official Ball” Status for Four (4) Year Period Beginning July 1, 2010 and Ending June 30,2014:
Baseball Wilson – A 101 OBSST
Basketball, Girls Baden – Perfection Elite BX6E
Basketball, Boys Baden – Perfection Elite BX7E
Football Wilson – F1 003GST
Soccer Brine – BC105N
Softball Wilson – A9011 BSST
Tennis Wilson – T1 001
Volleyball Baden – Perfection VX5E
· Accepted Recommendation of Staff to Award Hosting of 2010 and 2011 PIAA Golf Championships to Heritage Hills Golf Resort, York, PA.
· Accepted Recommendation of Staff to Award the Following the Hosting of 2010,2011,2012, and 2013 PIAA Fall Championships:
Girls’ Tennis Hershey Racquet Club, Hershey
Cross Country Parkview CC Course, Hershey
Girls’ Volleyball Central York High School, York
Field Hockey Whitehall-Coplay School District
Soccer HERSHEYPARK Stadium
Football HERSHEYPARK Stadium
· Approved PIAA Volleyball Steering Committee Recommendation to:
Amend ARTICLE XVI, SEASON AND OUT-OF-SEASON RULES AND REGULATIONS, Table I – Schedule of Fall Sports, Note 6, Table III – Schedule of Spring Sports, Note 6, of the PIAA By-Laws, to modernize the method of counting Regular Season volleyball Contests, on a second reading basis.
· Tabled and Referred to PIAA Policy Review Committee,
PIAA Cross Country Steering Committee Recommendation to:
Amend Policy for Determining Number of Enrollment Classifications in the Sports of Cross Country, Swimming and Diving, Tennis, Track and Field, and Wrestling and the Policy for Determining Number of Enrollment Classifications in the Sports of Baseball, Basketball, Field Hockey, Football, Soccer, Softball, and Volleyball, to provide for increase in number of enrollment classifications in sport of cross country from two to three.
· Approved:
o Proposed maximum number of entries (qualifiers), by District or Region, for 2010 and 2011 PIAA Fall Championships; and proposed brackets (pairings) for 2010 and 2011 PIAA Girls’ Team and Singles and Doubles Tennis, Girls’ Volleyball, Field Hockey, Girls’ and Boys’ Soccer, and Football Championships, on a first reading basis.
o Proposed maximum number of entries (qualifiers), by District or Region, for 2010-2011 and 2011-2012 PIAA Winter Championships; and proposed brackets (pairings) for 2010-2011 and 2011-2012 PIAA Team Wrestling and Basketball Championships, on a first reading basis.
o Proposed maximum number of entries (qualifiers), by District or Region, for 2011 and 2012 PIAA Spring Championships; and proposed brackets (pairings) for 2011 and 2012 PIAA Boys’ Team and Singles and Doubles Tennis, Boys’ Volleyball, Girls’ Spring Soccer, Lacrosse, Baseball, and Softball Championships, on a first reading basis.
· Approved Amendments to PIAA By-Laws:
o ARTICLE VI, TRANSFERS, RESIDENCE, AND RECRUITING, Section 7, Students who Remain in Present School Following Change of Residence of Student, Parent(s), or Guardian(s), of the PIAA By-Laws, as it has become obsolete and replace it with an appropriate Interpretation, effective immediately.
o ARTICLE VIII, PERIOD OF PARTICIPATION, Section 6, Waiver of Sections 1A and/or 1 B, subsection B, Severe and Unusual Personal Hardship, 3, of the PIAA By-Laws, to make subsection B, Severe and Unusual Personal Hardship, 3, consistent, relative to the use of “academic credit deficiencies and/or failures,” effective immediately.
o ARTICLE XI, ASSUMED NAME, of the PIAA By-Laws, to make the loss of eligibility for a violation of this provision sport specific, effective immediately.
o ARTICLE XVI, SEASON AND OUT-OF-SEASON RULES AND REGULATIONS, Table of Labor Day Occurrences, of the PIAA By-Laws, to clarify the first Regular Season Contest date of the respective fall, winter, and spring sports, effective immediately.
· Approved Amendments to PIAA Policies and Procedures:
o Procedural Standards for Regional Panels and District Committees of the Policy and Procedures Section of the PIAA Handbook, to provide guidance regarding consideration of “hearsay” evidence offered at a hearing, effective July 1, 2010.
o Procedural Standards for Appeal Hearings of the Policy and Procedures Section of the PIAA Handbook, to provide guidance regarding consideration of “hearsay” evidence offered at a hearing, effective July 1, 2010.
o Procedural Standards for Discipline of PIAA-Registered Sports Officials of the Policy and Procedures Section of the PIAA Handbook, to provide guidance regarding consideration of “hearsay” evidence offered at a hearing, effective July 1, 2010.
· Approved PIAA Strategic Planning Committee Recommendations to:
o ARTICLE XVI, SEASON AND OUT-OF-SEASON RULES AND REGULATIONS, Table I – Schedule of Fall Sports, of the PIAA By-Laws, to advance the first Regular Season Contest date in the sport of girls’ tennis by one week, effective July 1, 2010, effective immediately.
o ARTICLE XVI, SEASON AND OUT-OF-SEASON RULES AND REGULATIONS, Table III – Schedule of Spring Sports, of the PIAA By-Laws, to advance the first Regular Season Contest date in the sport of boys’ tennis by one week, effective July 1, 2010, effective immediately.
· Accept PIAA Budget Committee Recommendations to:
o Adopt unrestricted revenues and unrestricted expenses of PIAA Proposed Operating Activities Budget for year ending June 30, 2011, on a first reading basis.
o Adopt cash flows budget of PIAA Proposed Cash Flows Budget for year ending June 30, 2011, on a first reading basis.
· Approved PIAA District IV Committee Recommendation to:
o Amend ARTICLE XVI, SEASON AND OUT-OF-SEASON RULES AND REGULATIONS, Section 2, Rules and Regulations, subsection C, Football, Rule 2, of the PIAA By-Laws, to rescind prohibition on use of school’s blocking/tackling sleds by schools, community organizations or groups, Coaches, and students outside the PIAA-defined football season, on a first reading basis.