Meeting was convened at 4:15 p.m. by Chairman Majikes

ITEM 1            Chairman Majikes called the meeting to order at 4:15 p.m.  

                        Absent but accounted for: Jim Higgins, Joe Lalli, Jay Starnes, Vito Quaglia, Mike Costanza, Ray Lowery, Ross Scarantino, Mike Ognosky

                        Advisors Present:  Phil Latinski, James Sabatini

                        Following the taking of attendance, a moment of silence was held in memory of the passing of Mike Costanza’s mother.

ITEM 2            A motion was made by Tom Jenkins, seconded by Frank Galicki, to approve the minutes of the January 21, 2009 meeting.  All Ayes

ITEM 3            Frank Victor presented the Treasurer’s report.  Frank explained that the March report will include a review of the District II Basketball Championships. 

                        A motion was made by Bill King, seconded by Maureen Williams, to approve the treasurer’s report as submitted.  All Ayes

ITEM 4            Chairman Majikes updated the committee on the most recent State Committee meeting.  Highlighted in the discussion were the following items:

·        The Board of Directors confirmed the implementation of background checks for PIAA registered sports’ officials.  On a first reading, the Board voted unanimously to require all sports’ officials registered with PIAA since April 1, 2007 to be subject to Act 34 (criminal background check), Act 151 (child abuse history), and Act 114 (federal criminal history report) records.  The PIAA approach is to mirror the Public School Code provision requiring all employees and independent contractors of public school districts, hired on or after April 1, 2007 and having unsupervised direct contact with children, to be subject to the three aforementioned clearances.

·        The Board of Directors voted 17-10 to not accept the Coaches Association recommendation to provide for only one girls’ soccer season to be held in the Fall.

·        On a firs reading, the Board of Directors voted 21-6 to require all newly hired coaches and volunteers to complete the NFHS coaches’ education program.

·        The Board of Directors voted 14-13 against a motion to explain corrective action steps taken by a school administration for a disqualification in soccer to apply to all sports.  The Board did pass by a vote of 28-0 that the process would be applied to football disqualifications.

·        On a first reading, the Board voted 21-6 to move the first playing date for interdistrict girls’ spring soccer from May 26th to May 27th.

·        On a first reading, the Board voted to decrease the goal differential in Field Hockey from 8 goals to 5 goals in order for the speed up rule to go into effect.

·        On a first reading, the Board voted 25-3 to approve 2 classes in boys’ and girls’ golf for both individual and team competition.

·        The Board voted 2503 against a motion to increase the number of classes in Cross Country from 2 to 3.

·        On a first reading, the Board passed 25-3 a motion to make it mandatory to have a PIAA registered Track/Cross Country official at each cross country event.

·        The Board voted 14-14 to recommend to provide for the first football practice date to be the second Monday in August.  Motion defeated.

·        On a first reading, the Board voted 18-10 to provide for 6 classes and a 15 week season in football.

·        On a first reading, the Board voted for a dues increase of $200 for senior high and $100 for Junior High.

ITEM 5            Chairman Majikes reported that Ray Lowery has resigned his position on the District II Committee as the School Board Representative effective the end of the school year.

ITEM 6            Chairman Majikes reviewed the schedule for the PIAA Winter Sports’ Workshops to be held in the State Offices in Mechanicsburg:

                        Thursday, March 26th               10:00 a.m.                    Basketball

                        Thursday, March 26th               Noon                           Swimming

                        Thursday, March 26th               2:00 p.m.                      Wrestling 

ITEM 7A motion was made by Jim Marcks, seconded by Tom Jenkins, to approve eligibility, effective immediately, for Joshua Selier, Hazleton Area to Berwick, in accordance with Article VI, Transfers and Residency.  All Ayes

ITEM 8            A motion was made by Jeff Gregory, seconded by Dino Galella, to approve eligibility, effective immediately, for Lauren Banardi, Wyoming Seminary to Holy Redeemer, in accordance with Article VI, Transfers and Residency.  All Ayes   

ITEM 9            A motion was made by Maureen Williams, seconded by Don Kanavy, to approve eligibility, effective immediately, for Amanda Gryskevicz, Holy Redeemer to Lake-Lehman, in accordance with Article VI, Transfers and Residency.  All Ayes

ITEM 10          Chairman Majikes offered his congratulations to Bill Schoen on his election to the District II Board of Directors as the officals’ representative.

ITEM 11          Chairman Majikes then moved the meeting to executive session to discuss a reported recent incident at a 9th grade boys’ basketball game.  Following the conclusion of the executive session, Chairman Majikes announced that Carbondale Area and Old Forge High Schools will be asked to appear before the PIAA District II Committee and will schedule a hearing date regarding the incident at the 9th grade boys’ basketball game.

ITEM 15          A motion was made by Dino Galella, seconded by Bill King, to adjourn the meeting.  All Ayes

Meeting was adjourned at 5:37 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Mike Ognosky

Mike Ognosky

District II Secretary