Meeting was convened at 4:20 p.m. by Chairman Majikes

ITEM 1            Chairman Majikes called the meeting to order at 4:20 p.m. 

                        Absent but accounted for: Joe Lalli, Frank Galicki, Donald Kanavy, Bill King, Jim Marcks, Tony Rusnak, Ross Scarantino

                        Advisor Present:  Phil Latinski, Delores Dalickas

ITEM 2            A motion was made by Ray Lowery, seconded by Bob Okrasinski, to approve the minutes of the February, 2006 meeting.  All Ayes

ITEM 3            Frank Victor did not have a treasurer’s report to present as he was still finalizing the financial results of the recently completed district basketball playoffs.  Frank will have a complete report, including the basketball playoff summary, available at our next meeting. 

ITEM 4            Chairman Majikes presented to the committee a summary of the action taken by the Wyoming Area administration regarding the illegal participation of their Junior High Boys’ Basketball coach following an ejection from a contest.  Following the summary, the committee requested that the secretary send a letter to the Wyoming Area administration commending them for the actions taken.            

ITEM 5            A motion was made by Ray Lowery, seconded by Danielle DiPietro, to

approve a cooperative agreement in Boys’ and Girls’ Soccer between Susquehanna Community Schools and Blue Ridge Junior-Senior High School.  All appropriate paperwork has been submitted.  All Ayes

ITEM 6            The Committee reviewed preliminary plans for the District II Annual Business Meeting and Awards Banquet scheduled for the Pittston Convention Center on Wednesday, April 19th.  The secretary will prepare the invitations for the schools and have it distributed through the regular channels.  Deadline for invitations to be returned to Frank Victor is April 10th

ITEM 7Chairman Majikes reviewed the incident reports, as well as the witness reports, in an incident that occurred following a December, 2005 Boys’ Basketball game between two District II member schools, Wyoming Area and Old Forge.  Following the discussion, the committee requested that the secretary send a letter to Old Forge High School requesting information from them on their investigation of the matter as well as any action they have taken as a district in regard to the incident.  Also, the district requested that the secretary contact the registered basketball official involved in the incident in order to get his report of the events of that evening.

ITEM 8            Chairman Majikes reviewed the incident report regarding the ejection of

                        a boys’ basketball player from Bishop O’Hara.  Following the discussion,

                        the committee requested that the secretary send a letter to the Bishop

O’Hara administration outlining what actions the school took regarding the incident.

ITEM 9            Chairman Majikes distributed the new phone extension numbers for the various employees at the PIAA State Offices.

ITEM 10          The committee briefly reviewed material provided regarding a potential eligibility hearing involving a student requesting to transfer from Western Wayne to Bishop O’Hara.  Following discussion, the committee requested that the Chairman establish a hearing date to determine eligibility.

ITEM 11          Tony Marchakitus, former District II Chairman, is recovering nicely from a recent health concern.  Chairman Majikes asked that committee members keep Tony in their thoughts.  Cards can be sent to Mr. Marchakitus at the following address:

                                                            Tony Marchakitus

                                                            RR 3 Box 185 A Salt Road

                                                            Hunlock Creek, Pa.  18621

ITEM 12          The committee reviewed the responses from Blue Ridge and Susquehanna Community Schools regarding the recent action by the committee regarding the girls’ basketball programs.  A motion was made by Ray Lowery, seconded by Tom Finan, to accept the reports as presented.

All Ayes.

The committee requested that the secretary send a letter to both schools accepting their responses.

ITEM 13          Chairman Majikes presented a number of informational items to the


Ø     The soon to be held Pittsburgh Jam Feast Basketball Senior All-Star event has been approved by the PIAA.

Ø     The steering committee meetings for the winter sports have been established on Wednesday, March 29th at the PIAA State Offices beginning with the Coaches’ Advisory Committee meeting at 8 a.m.; the Basketball meeting at 10 a.m.; the Swimming meeting at Noon; and the Wrestling meeting at 2 p.m.

Ø     Chairman Majikes presented information to the committee regarding the Juniata Valley wrestler that was declared ineligible by his school and was not allowed to compete in the state championships.

Ø     Chairman Majikes informed the committee that the District III Committee has agreed to relinquish one of its spots in the AAAA State Boys’ and Girls’ Basketball Championships to District II/IV for the 2006-07 and 2007-08 years.  District II/IV will now have 2 spots in the state tournament in both of those years.  The State Office is in the process of revising the brackets for 2006-07 and 2007-08 to reflect that change – it has not been done to date.


a.)  Basketball (Frank Victor):  Chairman Victor distributed the final    results of the recently concluded girls’ and boys’ district playoffs.  All payments to game workers and officials have been made with the exception of those that worked the Junior High Championships.

b.)  Soccer (Ray Lowery):  Chairman Lowery presented the format for the upcoming Spring Girls’ Championships.  A motion was made by Tom Jenkins, seconded by Tom Finan, to approve the format as submitted. 

All Ayes

Chairman Lowery also presented the request to hold a Junior High District II Fall Soccer Championship.  A motion was made by Jim Higgins,seconded by Mike Costanza, to approve a Junior High District II Fall Soccer Championship, open to all member schools who sponsor a fall junior high soccer program, beginning in the Fall of 2006.  All Ayes

c.)  Swimming (Jim Higgins):  Chairman Higgins praised the work of those that assisted in this year’s swimming championships and announced that the state meets will be held later this week in both AAA and AA in Lewisburg.

ITEM 15          A motion was made by Phil Cappellini, seconded by Maureen Williams, to adjourn the meeting.  All Ayes

Meeting was adjourned at 5:35 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Mike Ognosky

Mike Ognosky

District II Secretary