Meeting was convened at 4:15 p.m. by Chairman Majikes

ITEM 1 Chairman Majikes called the meeting to order at 4:15 p.m.

Absent but accounted for: Frank Victor, Danielle Adams, Jim Higgins, Mike Costanza, Frank Galicki, James Marcks, Tom Jenkins, Jay Starnes, Vito Quaglia

Also Present: Phil Latinski (Advisor)

ITEM 2 A motion was made by Joe Farrell, seconded by Bill King, to approve the minutes of the February 16, 2011 meeting. All Ayes

ITEM 3 In Frank Victor’s absence, the reading of the Treasurer’s Report was waived for today’s meeting.

ITEM 4 Chairman Majikes presented the applications submitted for prospective candidates for the vacant committee position from the Lackawanna League. The committee reviewed the 5 applications submitted and following discussion a motion was made by Mike Ognosky, seconded by Joe Farrell, to appoint Patrick Sheehan, Principal of Western Wayne High School, to the PIAA District II Committee effective July 1, 2011. All Ayes

ITEM 5 A motion was made by Pat Patte, seconded by Maureen Williams, to approve the immediate eligibility of Rachel Calvey, Abington Heights to Holy Cross, in accordance with Article VI, Section 4, of the PIAA By-Laws, principal to principal sign off. All Ayes.

ITEM 6: A motion was made by Maureen Williams, seconded by Gerry Grimaud, to approve the immediate eligibility of Brandon Romanski, Valley View to Holy Cross, in accordance with Article VI, Section 4, of the PIAA By-Laws, principal to principal sign off. All Ayes.

ITEM 7 A motion was made by Gerry Grimaud, seconded by Pat Patte, to approve the immediate eligibility of Amber Sekelsky, Scranton to Holy Cross, in accordance with Article VI, Section 4, of the PIAA By-Laws, principal to principal sign off. All Ayes.

ITEM 8 Chairman Majikes distributed the 2010-2011 Winter Sport Disqualification Reports provided by the PIAA and reviewed them with the committee. In District II during the current winter season there were 15 ejections in Basketball ((9 players, 6 coaches); and 11 ejections in Wrestling (11 players). In Basketball, that is an increase of 6 ejections from the 2009-2010 year and an increase of 2 ejections in Wrestling over the 2009-2010 year.

ITEM 9Joe Farrell, District II Golf Chairperson, presented the minutes of the

February 22, 2011 Golf Steering Committee Teleconference to the

Committee. The PIAA Golf Steering Committee is recommending that

there be 2 classifications in Team Golf competition, effective July 1, 2012.

The Golf Steering Committee will also be meeting at the PIAA State

Offices on March 31st in order to discuss the structure of the Individual

Championships and its format, effective July 1, 2012.

ITEM 10 Chairman Majikes reviewed the proposed amendment changes to the PIAA By-Laws that will be discussed at the upcoming PIAA State Committee meeting on March 24th and 25thin State College. The first is in regard to Cooperative Sponsorships between schools with a proposed change in the By-Laws to count the enrollment of the non-host school at 50 % and to increase the enrollment standards in each of the schools in grades nine through eleven from 225 to 300. Second, an amendment proposal effective immediately regarding “period of participation” eliminating the current hardship requirement of participation in fewer than 25 % of the maximum number of contests in the hardship year to no more than 25 %. A third amendment under consideration is the increased penalty in soccer of an additional game suspension for fighting or unsportsmanlike conduct, from 1 to 2 games, for a disqualified player. After discussion, the Committee advised the Chairperson to vote in favor of all three amendments at the State Committee meeting.

ITEM 11 Chairman Majikes informed the Committee that he had received an anonymous letter from a concerned constituent making allegations of illegal recruitment by a District II member school. As is the case in all of these situations, Chairman Majikes informed the Committee that an investigation will not be undertaken at this time as the letter was unsigned. He will forward the letter to the member school.

ITEM 12 A motion was made by Bill King, seconded by Bill Schoen, to approve the application of Susquehanna Community School District and Blue Ridge School District to enter into a Cooperative Sponsorship of Wrestling and Golf, with Blue Ridge serving as the host school, effective for the 2011-2012 year. All Ayes.

ITEM 13 Chairman Majikes led a discussion regarding the upcoming District II Business Meeting and Awards Presentation. Following discussion, the District II Committee agreed to hold the meeting on Wednesday, April 20, 2011 at Arcaro’s & Genell’s Restaurant in Old Forge with a morning meeting followed by a luncheon. Details of the meeting will be released shortly and all member schools are strongly urged to have their Superintendents, Principals and Athletic Directors all attend in order to address the various agenda items to be discussed.

ITEM 14 Mike Ognosky reviewed the events of the recently sponsored conference at the University of Scranton and thanked Jack O’Malley and the University of Scranton for their assistance in providing for a very informative two days. Hopefully, the conference will be an annual event and will provide valuable information to our member schools.

ITEM 15 Chairman Majikes updated the Committee on the status of an incident which occurred during the Basketball season that has resulted in potential legal action involving an official, coach and member school. He will continue to update the Committee as the situation progresses.

ITEM 16 Chairman Majikes also updated the committee on a recent incident in the Mid Valley- Mt. Carmel inter district girls’ basketball contest played at Danville High School. As the incident occurred during inter district play it is in the jurisdiction of the PIAA State Offices. The Chairman will update the Committee as the situation progresses.

ITEM 17 Committee members discussed the recently conducted District playoffs and a suggestion was made regarding the issue of crowd control at the Marywood University site. The Committee encouraged the Basketball Committee to work with Marywood officials in prohibiting spectators from the upstairs area directly behind the baskets.

ITEM 18 Chairman Majikes updated the Committee on the actions taken by Dallas High School regarding the ejection of the Varsity Boys’ Basketball Coach from a recent game. Dallas is currently on probation and is required to submit a report to the District Committee.

ITEM 19 A motion was made by Don Kanavy, seconded by Maureen Williams, to adjourn the meeting. All Ayes

Meeting was adjourned at 5: 40 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Mike Ognosky

Mike Ognosky

District II Secretary