Meeting was convened at 4:15 p.m. by Chairman Majikes

ITEM 1 Chairman Majikes called the meeting to order at 4:15 p.m.

Absent but accounted for: Mike Ognosky

ITEM 2 A motion was made by Jay Starnes, seconded by Pat Patte, to approve the minutes of the February 17, 2014 meeting. All Ayes.

ITEM 3 Frank Victor presented the Treasurer’s Report as of March 20, 2014. Following discussion, a motion was made by Bill Schoen, seconded by Frank Galicki, to approve the Treasurer’s Report as given. All Ayes


·         Basketball (Frank Majikes): Chairman Majikes thanked committee members for their assistance in the recently completed District II Basketball Championships.

·         Wrestling (Jay Starnes): Chairman Starnes announced that the 2015 District II Wrestling Championships will once again be held at the Kingston Armory. He also thanked committee members for their assistance with a very successful 2014 District II Dual and Individual Championship tournament and praised the efforts of staff at the Kingston Armory for their assistance with the championships.

·         Swimming (Jim Higgins): Jim commented on the recently completed District II Swimming Championships and thanked all those that assisted.

·         Lacrosse (Frank Majikes): The WVC Lacrosse League now has both a boys’ and girls’ league with 7 teams in each. The league schedule has just begun.

·         Public Relations and Corporate Sponsors (Bill Schoen): A meeting will be held with representatives from Geisinger Hospital. Bill Schoen is waiting for confirmation of the meeting date and will keep the committee updated on the progress of the discussions.

ITEM 5: Chairman Majikes reminded committee members that the Winter PIAA State Steering Committee meetings are scheduled for tomorrow – Wednesday, March 26th at the PIAA State Offices.

ITEM 6 The following motions were made and acted upon by the District II Committee regarding student eligibility requests:

·         A motion was made by Fred Barletta, seconded by Maureen Williams, granting immediate eligibility to Joseph McBride, West Scranton to Riverside, in accordance with Article VI, Section 4, Athletic Transfer Waiver, Principal to Principal sign off. All Ayes.

·         A motion was made by Pat Patte, seconded by Vito Quagllia, granting immediate eligibility to Sean McBride, West Scranton to Riverside, in accordance with Article VI, Section 4, Athletic Transfer Waiver, Principal to Principal sign off. All Ayes.

·         A motion was made by Danielle Adams, seconded by Chris Gegaris, to grant immediate eligibility to Juan Ojeda, Scranton to Riverside, in accordance with Article VII, Foreign Exchange Student. All Ayes

·         A motion was made by Fred Barletta, seconded by Maureen Williams, granting immediate eligibility to Kenneth DeSouza, Scranton Prep to Valley View, in accordance with Article VI, Section 4, Athletic Transfer Waiver, Principal to Principal sign off. All Ayes.

·         A motion was made by Pat Patte, seconded by Chris Gegaris, granting immediate eligibility to Joseph Victor, Mid Valley to Valley View, in accordance with Article VI, Section 4, Athletic Transfer Waiver, Principal to Principal sign off. All Ayes.

·         A motion was made by Chris Thomas, seconded by Bill Schoen, granting immediate eligibility to Mark Paluski, Wyoming Area to Holy Redeemer, in accordance with Article VI, Section 4, Athletic Transfer Waiver, Principal to Principal sign off. All Ayes.

·         A motion was made by Joe Farrell, seconded by Pat Sheehan, granting immediate eligibility to Terry Vrabec, Holy Redeemer to Coughlin, in accordance with Article VI, Section 4, Athletic Transfer Waiver, Principal to Principal sign off. All Ayes.

·         A motion was made by Danielle Adams, seconded by Vito Quaglia, granting immediate eligibility to Anthony Alongi, Scranton to West Scranton, in accordance with Article VI, Section 4, Athletic Transfer Waiver, Principal to Principal sign off. All Ayes.

ITEM 7 A discussion was held regarding the status of our current membership with the Positive Coaching Alliance. Following discussion, it was agreed by

the members present to allow that membership to lapse at the close of the

2013-2014 school year.

ITEM 8 Chairman Majikes updated the District II Committee on the status of the disqualification numbers for the various winter sports.

ITEM 9Chairman Majikes advised the committee members that the State Committee would be acting on a second reading of the proposed enrollment numbers and state qualifiers for the 2014-15 and 2015-16 state championships in all sports at the next state committee meeting.

ITEM 10 Chairman Majikes reminded the committee members that July 1, 2016 is the effective date for all coaches and volunteer coaches to meet the state coaching education requirements.

ITEM 11 Chairman Majikes informed the Committee that West Hazleton Middle School has been deleted from PIAA membership effective immediately.

ITEM 12 A motion was made by Bill Schoen, seconded by Maureen Williams, to adjourn the meeting. All Ayes

Meeting was adjourned at 6: 10 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Mike Ognosky

Mike Ognosky

District II Secretary