Meeting was convened at 4:15 p.m. by Chairman Majikes

ITEM 1 Chairman Majikes called the meeting to order at 4:15 p.m.

ITEM 2 Absent but accounted for: Eric Emmerich, Frank Galicki, Jim Higgins, Chris Jones, Bill King, Pat Sheehan, Jay Starnes, Chad Vinansky, and Maureen Williams

ITEM 3Frank Victor presented the treasurer’s report. As of May 20, 2014, the District total fund balance stands at $216,360.57. Included in the balance was a total Certificates of Deposit of $12,577.75; and a total Savings and Checking Accounts total of $203,782.82. A motion was made by Bill Schoen, seconded by Fred Barletta, to approve the Treasurer’s Report as presented. All Ayes

ITEM 4 Chairman Majikes presented a full written report offered by Hazleton Area regarding the utilization of an ineligible softball player versus Wyoming Valley West on April 3, 2014 (Hazleton won) and Lake-Lehman on April 14, 2014 (Lake-Lehman won). Fred Barletta, Athletic Director at Hazleton Area, reviewed the timeline of events with the committee members that has resulted in the suspension of the Coach by the Hazleton Area School District. The written material carefully recapped the incident that resulted in the utilization of the ineligible player and the details of the participation of that player in the two contests. Hazleton Area also submitted copies of the letters sent to both WVW and Lake-Lehman officially acknowledging forfeiture of the contests. Following discussion, the District II Committee will schedule a hearing with Hazleton Area in regard to this incident.

ITEM 5 Chairman Majikes provided committee members present with written reports regarding the ejection of an Assistant Baseball Coach during the May 12, 2014 game versus Holy Redeemer. Written reports were received and reviewed from Jeff Shook, Lake-Lehman Athletic Director; William Holena, Lake-Lehman Scorekeeper; Chris Bean and Kathy Smith, fans in attendance at the game; Benjamin Coslett, PIAA Umpire assigned to the contest; and Brian Gorski, Lake-Lehman Head Baseball Coach. After a review of the materials, the District II Committee will schedule a hearing with Lake-Lehman and game officials in regard to this incident.

ITEM 6 Chairman Majikes distributed information received from Abington Heights regarding a boys’ volleyball event held at the Clarks Summit Elementary School on Friday, March 14, 2014 in which the varsity team participated in a practice against Marywood University students. After considering the information received, The Committee asked the Secretary to send a letter to the Abington Heights administration commending them for self-reporting the incident and taking the appropriate administrative action.

ITEM 7 Spring Sports Reports:

·         Baseball (Frank Majikes): Chairman Majikes reminded the committee that the upcoming Baseball Championships will be held on Memorial Day at PNC Field. Also, the committee had a lengthy discussion regarding the numerous requests for a change in game dates and times for the purpose of class trips and other school events. Following that discussion, the Committee asked that the Secretary communicate the projected dates of next year’s baseball and softball championships to all Athletic Directors ASAP. Furthermore, it was asked that all schools refrain from the scheduling of multi-day class trips during that time period as considerations will not be honored to move dates for trips. The Committee will continue to readjust schedules for graduations, class nights, proms, etc. from one day to the next when both schools are in agreement.

·         Softball (Pat Patte): After discussion, the Committee agreed to readjust the softball championship dates as follows: The A and AAAA finals will be on Tuesday, May 27th and the AA and AAA finals will be on Wednesday, May 28th. Chairman Majikes asked the Secretary to get that information to member schools ASAP.

·         Field Hockey (Chris Gegaris): Chis Gegaris announced that the next Field Hockey meeting will be held on September 4th. At that time any questions regarding the District II playoffs will be addressed.

·         Boys’ Tennis (Bill Schoen): Bill thanked all involved for their assistance in the running of this year’s championships. All three tournaments – Team, Singles, and Doubles- went off without any major concerns. The weather was perfect for all three tournaments and did not require the utilization of any indoor facilities.

·         Football (Mike Ognosky): There will be a meeting of District II, IV, and XI football committees in the next month in order to establish the procedures for the AAAA subregional for the next two year cycle.

·         Lacrosse (Al Holtzer): The District II Boys and Girls Lacrosse Finals will be held on Wednesday, May 20th.

·         Track and Field (Danielle Adams): Danielle thanked all for their help in the recently completed AA and AAA Championships held at Scranton High School.

·         Officials (Bill Schoen): Bill announced that Paul Sheehan, District II Football Interpreter, has been named the PIAA State Interpreter. Congratulations, Paul!

ITEM 8 Chairman Majikes shared with the committee a letter he had received from Jack O’Malley. Following discussion, the Secretary was asked to contact the Positive Coaching Alliance in order to discontinue the current initiative with them. In March, the Committee had decided to continue the coaching education program on its own. The Secretary will contact PCA regarding the current membership.

ITEM 9 Chairman Majikes distributed a communication received from Fox 56 informing the Committee that FOX would be unable to televise this year’s Track and Field Championships due to a scheduling commitment conflict.

ITEM 10 Chairman Majikes distributed to committee members present an article written by Michael Levin, PSBA General Counsel, providing an overview of the current Charter School Funding Provisions. Charter School funding is rife with issues for school districts. Apart from the expenses that charter school funding imposes on districts, the funding formulas create a system in which districts face rising costs, uncertainties as to how to calculate funding and litigation risks from funding disputes.

ITEM 11 With many of the spring district championship contests in full swing, Chairman Majikes reminded committee members serving as game managers to be sure to provide immediate reports of any incidents at those competitions that result in injury to participants or spectators. He distributed a copy of the form to be utilized.

ITEM 12 Chairman Majikes distributed a memo from Greg Bialis, Rawlings Sporting Goods Vice President of Team Sales North, regarding Rawlings new partnership with the PIAA and its member institutions. Rawlings has been selected to provide the official balls to be utilized in district and state playoffs for the next two years in all sports. It is not required to utilize the “official” ball for regular season contests – only in district and state playoffs.

ITEM 13 Chairman Majikes distributed a number of spring disqualifications reports for the committees review. Among those reviewed were baseball disqualifications regarding GAR. GAR has just completed a one year probationary period as a result of other disqualifications. Following discussion, the District II Committee will schedule a hearing at their next regular with GAR to discuss this incident.

ITEM 14 The PIAA Spring Workshops are scheduled for June 19th at the PIAA Offices. District Sports’ Chairpersons are asked to communicate with Chairman Majikes regarding attendance at the meeting.

ITEM 15 The Committee once again discussed a request to sponsor Junior High District Championships. At this time, the Committee reaffirmed the position that the District will not sponsor District Championships in any Junior High Sports for the 2014-2015 school year.

ITEM 16 The District II Committee acted upon the following athletic transfer waiver requests –

·         A motion was made by Danielle Adams, seconded by Pat Patte, to approve the transfer of Donte Chollette, Stroudsburg to West Scranton, in accordance with Article VI, Transfers, Residence, and Recruiting, Section 4, principal to principal sign off, of the PIAA By-Laws. All Ayes

·         A motion was made by Fred Barletta, seconded by Chris Gegaris, to approve the transfer of Andre Chollette, Stroudsburg to West Scranton, in accordance with Article VI, Transfers, Residence, and Recruiting, Section 4, principal to principal sign off, of the PIAA By-Laws. All Ayes

·         A motion was made by Joseph Farrell, seconded by Al Holtzer, to approve the transfer of Austin Yanora, Holy Redeemer to Meyers, in accordance with Article VI, Transfers, Residence, and Recruiting, Section 4, principal to principal sign off, of the PIAA By-Laws. All Ayes

·         A motion was made by Bill Schoen, seconded by Chris Thomas, to approve the transfer of Victoria Steinetz, Pittston Area to Holy Redeemer, in accordance with Article VI, Transfers, Residence, and Recruiting, Section 4, principal to principal sign off, of the PIAA By-Laws. All Ayes

ITEM 17 A motion was made by Pat Patte, seconded by Bill Schoen, to adjourn the meeting. All Ayes

Meeting was adjourned at 6:29 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Mike Ognosky

Mike Ognosky

District II Secretary