Meeting was convened at 4:15 p.m. by Chairman Majikes
ITEM 1 Chairman Majikes called the meeting to order at 4:15 p.m.
ITEM 2 Absent but accounted for: Ron Collins, John Coyle, Brian Durkin, Eric Emmerich, John Haas, Tim Hopkins, Bill King, Bill Schoen, Ben Tolerico, and Chad Vinansky.
Visitors present: Don Rogers, District II Solicitor
ITEM 3 A motion was made by Mary Ruth Tanner, seconded by Chris Gegaris, to approve the following sets of minutes: April 11, 2018 Committee Meeting and April 24, 2018 Annual Business Meeting. All Ayes.
ITEM 4Pat Patte, District II Treasurer, presented the monthly Treasurer’s Report. As of May 8, 2018 the District has a total fund balance of $260,538.72. That balance includes a Checking account total of $180,966.34; and a money market account of $66,817.61. The District also has a Certificate of Deposit with PNC Bank for $12,754.77. A motion was made by Jay Starnes, seconded by Fred Barletta, to accept the report as presented. All Ayes
ITEM 5 Spring Sports Reports:
· Baseball (Frank Majikes): Chairman Majikes reminded the committee that the upcoming Baseball Championships will be held at PNC Field. He surveyed committee members for their interest in assisting with the operations of the games on that day and developed a schedule for their help. Games are scheduled as follows: Sunday, May 27th 5A Final @ 6 p.m.; Monday, May 28th 6A Final @ 6 p.m.; Tuesday, May 29th 1A Final @ 5 p.m. & 3A Final @ 7:30 p.m.; Wednesday, May 30th 2A Final @ 5 p.m. & 4A Final @ 7:30 p.m. Chairman Majikes also reminded member schools to communicate potential conflicts regarding prom and graduation dates.
· Softball (Pat Patte): Pat reported that all is ready for the upcoming championships and he has confirmed with a number of potential championship sites.
· Track and Field (John Coyle): All is in place for the 2018 District II Track and Field Championships at Scranton High School. The AAA Championships will be held on Monday, May 14th and the AA Championships on Tuesday, May 15th.
· Volleyball (Maureen Williams): Maureen reviewed all of the information for the upcoming Boys’ Volleyball championships in both AA and AAA. For the first time all three of our AAA teams have qualified for the District II/XI subregional championships. Brackets will be posted to the website as soon as the final matches have been completed.
ITEM 6 The Committee acted on the following eligibility requests:
· A motion was made by Dave Novrocki, seconded by Maureen Williams, to approve the immediate eligibility of Tyler Ward, Dallas to Lake-Lehman, in accordance with Article VI, Transfers, Residence, and Recruiting, Section 4, Principal to Principal sign off, of the PIAA by-laws. All Ayes
ITEM 7 The Committee reviewed a report from a member school regarding the recent on line activities of a member of its coaching staff criticizing the umpires of the conference. Chairman Majikes explained in detail the actions taken by the administration regarding the situation. A motion was made by Fred Barletta, seconded by Pat Patte, to approve the report as submitted and to applaud the administration of the member school in their swift and appropriate action in dealing with the member of the coaching staff. All Ayes
ITEM 8 Chairman Majikes reviewed the Spring Sports’ Steering Committee meeting schedule at the PIAA Offices in June as follows:
Wednesday, June 20th Thursday, June 21st
10 a.m. Track & Field 10 a.m. Sportsmanship
10 a.m. Boys & Girls Lacrosse 10 a.m. Private Schools
Noon Athletic Directors Noon Officials
2 p.m. Baseball
2 p.m. Softball
ITEM 9 Chairman Majikes presented the report of the various subregional tournaments that involve District II schools in the next two year cycle. He asked that the Secretary send that report to member schools as well.
ITEM 10 Chairman Majikes reported that a 7 question survey initiated by the Superintendents of District VII has made its way to the desks of many school leaders across the state. The survey asks questions regarding many hot button items regarding private schools, transfer procedures, etc. It never mentions in the survey that many of the items in question are already governed by current state law.
ITEM 11 A motion was made by Pat Patte, seconded by Jay Starnes, to approve a request for s co-operative sponsorship agreement in the sport of boys and girls soccer between Blue Ridge and Susquehanna for the next two year cycle. All Ayes
ITEM 12 Chairman Majikes reported that both leagues have reviewed the power rating recommendation as discussed at the Annual Business Meeting and have agreed with the utilization of the power rating in the next two year cycle as presented. Mike Ognosky asked that the matter be revisited in order to allow Boys & Girls Tennis to also utilize the power ranking system in establishing the brackets for the District II Team competition in both sports. A motion was made by Maureen Williams, seconded by Mary Ruth Tanner, asking that matter the request be communicated to the leagues for their feedback. All Ayes
ITEM 13 Chairman Majikes informed the committee that the Lackawanna League is planning a Memorial Golf Tournament honoring Mark Rinaldi, former Dunmore High School Athletic Director, who passed away in the last year. In a related matter, a motion was made by Jay Starnes, seconded by Dave Novrocki, providing a $500 donation to the Mark Rinaldi Memorial Scholarship Fund on behalf of District II. Mark was a standing member of the committee at the time of his death. All Ayes
ITEM 14 A motion was made by Joe Farrell, seconded by Chris Gegaris, to adjourn the meeting. All Ayes
Meeting was adjourned at 5:35 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Mike Ognosky
Mike Ognosky
District II Secretary