Meeting was convened at 4:15 p.m. by Chairman Frank Majikes
ITEM 1 Chairman Majikes called the meeting to order at 4:15 p.m.
Absent but accounted for: Frank Victor, Danielle Adams, Joe Farrell, Jim Higgins
Advisor Present: Ray Lowery
ITEM 2 A motion was made by Maureen Williams, seconded by Jim Marcks, to approve the minutes of the September 16, 2009 meeting. All Ayes
ITEM 3 In Frank Victor’s absence, Chairman Majikes presented the Treasurer’s Report. As of October 21, 2009 the District II Total Fund Balance is $129,354.96. That includes a total of $71,037.12 in Total Certificates of Deposit and $58,317.84 in Total Savings and Checking Accounts.
Following the completion of the report, a motion was made by Tom Jenkins, seconded by Jay Starnes, to approve the treasurer’s report as submitted. All Ayes
ITEM 4 Motions were made to approve the immediate eligibility of the following student-athletes:
· A motion was made by Tom Jenkins, seconded by Jeff Gregory, to approve the eligibility of Brianna Rattigan, Meyers to Wyoming Valley West, effective immediately, in accordance with Article VI, Transfers and Residence, principal-to-principal sign off, of the PIAA By-Laws. All Ayes
· A motion was made by Jay Starnes, seconded by Jim Marcks, to approve the eligibility of Kristyn Rattigan, Meyers to Wyoming Valley West, effective immediately, in accordance with Article VI, Transfers and Residence, principal-to-principal sign off, of the PIAA By-Laws. All Ayes
· A motion was made by William Schoen, seconded by Don Kanavy, to approve the eligibility of Rachel Butkiewicz, Wyoming Valley West to Holy Redeemer, effective immediately, in accordance with Article VI, Transfers and Residence, principal-to-principal sign off, of the PIAA By-Laws. All Ayes
· A motion was made by Bill King, seconded by Mike Ognosky, to approve the eligibility of Jessica Mitchell, West Side Career and Technical Center to Holy Redeemer, effective immediately, in accordance with Article VI, Transfers and Residence, principal-to-principal sign off, of the PIAA By-Laws. All Ayes
ITEM 5 Motions were made to approve the immediate eligibility of the following foreign exchange students:
· A motion was made by Jim Marcks, seconded by William Schoen, to approve the eligibility of Jonas Milk, Germany to Tunkhannock, effective immediately, in accordance with Article VII, Foreign Exchange Students, of the PIAA By-Laws. All Ayes
· A motion was made by Don Kanavy, seconded by Bill King, to approve the eligibility of Lena Zimmermann, Germany to Berwick, effective immediately, in accordance with Article VII, Foreign Exchange Students, of the PIAA By-Laws. All Ayes
ITEM 6 Sports reports were delivered by the following chairpersons:
· Field Hockey (Jeff Gregory): Jeff reviewed the tentative seeding placements for the upcoming AA and AAA Field Hockey championships. Discussion was held regarding the structure of the brackets in preparation for the meeting on Thursday, October 23rd. The brackets will remain as posted on the web site and distributed in their original form to member schools.
· Football (Tom Jenkins): Tom reviewed the schedule for the seeding meet which is set for the Tribeca Convention Center in Pittston on Monday, November 9th at Noon. He also reviewed the payment schedule for radio and television rights for the upcoming district playoffs. Finally, he also reviewed the current fees for officials ($76/contest), officials’ evaluator ($45/contest) and members of the chain crew ($35/contest).
· Cross Country (Bill King): Bill reviewed the schedule for the Junior High and Varsity District meets scheduled to begin with the Junior High meet on Saturday at Misericordia. The Varsity meet will be held Wednesday, October 28th at Scranton Municipal Golf Course.
· Golf (Ray Lowery): Ray submitted and reviewed the financial report for the recently completed District Championships. He also led a discussion regarding the PIAA rule for the utilization of a cart during the championships. After discussion, the committee requested that the chairperson receive clarification of the rule from the State Office.
· Soccer (Vito Quaglia): Vito announced that the District seeding meeting will be held at Wyoming Valley West High School on Monday, October 26th at 6:30 p.m.
· Tennis (Mike Ognosky): Mike thanked both Bill Schoen and Joe Lalli for their invaluable assistance during the recently completed Tennis Championships. He also announced that Scranton Prep will be hosting Montoursville in the first round of the AA Team Championships on Tuesday, October 27th at 2 p.m. at Kirby Park.
· Volleyball (Maureen Williams): Maureen announced that plans are being finalized for the upcoming District Championships and will be announced as soon as they are available.
ITEM 7 Chairman Majikes reviewed a formal request received from Fox 56 to televise District II sporting events. Fox officials have requested to meet with District II officials at their earliest convenience in order to consider the proposal. Chairman Majikes will schedule a meeting and report back to the committee regarding the discussions.
ITEM 8 Chairman Majikes reviewed a letter forwarded to his attention. The letter is in reference to alleged activities within the football program. The committee discussed the letter and asked that Chairman Majikes contact the administration of Mid Valley and report back to the committee.
ITEM 9 Chairman Majikes reviewed a letter received regarding the PIAA State Board’s decision to delay the move of the spring girls’ soccer season to the fall until the 2012-2013 season. The author of the letter disagrees with that decision and asked the committee to reconsider the move. This is a decision of the state committee and the district does not have the authority to change that decision.
ITEM 10 Chairman Majikes distributed the most current listing of contact information for all athletic directors within District II.
ITEM 11 Chairman Majikes distributed the most current listing of contact
information for all members of the District II Committee. That
information is available on the District II website under “Committee”.
ITEM 12 Chairman Majikes reviewed recent correspondence from the Senate of Pennsylvania regarding the “Right to Know” provisions as they apply to the PIAA within the school code. The Senate correspondence supports the position that the PIAA should stay within the School Code provisions of the law.
ITEM 13 Chairman Majikes reviewed the recent Volleyball Steering Committee proposal regarding changes in the regional format of the state playoffs that has been recently tabled. Following the recommendation of our Volleyball Chairperson, the District II Committee has advised Chairman Majikes that we are opposed to the proposal.
ITEM 14 Chairman Majikes informed the committee that District IV has requested that the PIAA prohibit the participation of boys on predominantly girls’ teams such as Field Hockey. That request has currently been tabled for future discussion.
ITEM 15 Chairman Majikes has informed the committee that District VI has asked the state to revisit the approved experiment providing for a 5 minute sit out without substitution in soccer. District VI would like this to be considered for permanent action by the soccer steering committee.
ITEM 16 Chairman Majikes informed the committee that the State Board has approved on a 2nd reading the procedure of utilizing the disqualification response form in all sports.
ITEM 17 Mike Ognosky informed the Committee that the District II seminar featuring Matt Davidson has been established for March 10th. The evening seminar will be open to all District II schools.
ITEM 18 Chairman Majikes reviewed the 2009-2010 schedule of District II Committee meetings.
ITEM 19 Chairman Majikes informed the Committee that Attorney Gerald Grimaud, Tunkhannock Area School District Board of Directors, will be assuming the PSBA seat on the District II Committee effective with the December meeting. He also thanked Dick Orlowski for his service on the committee.
ITEM 20 After excusing Dick Orlowski and Frank Galicki, both of the Dallas Area School District, Chairman Majikes reviewed with the remaining members of the District II Committee the reports regarding an incident at the Dallas-Tunkhannock football game of September 18, 2009. The Committee reviewed reports submitted by officials of both schools regarding that incident. Chairman Majikes also reviewed reports submitted by the referees of Dallas football games for this season as mandated by the terms of Dallas’ current probationary period. After discussion, the committee advised the Chairman to contact both schools and establish a date to hear the matter before the district committee.
ITEM 21 A motion was made by Mike Costanza, seconded by Dino Galella, to adjourn the meeting. All Ayes
Meeting was adjourned at 6:08 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Mike Ognosky
Mike Ognosky
District II Secretary