Meeting was convened at 4:15 p.m. by Chairman Majikes
ITEM 1 Chairman Majikes called the meeting to order at 4:15 p.m.
Absent, but accounted for: Tom Jenkins, Dino Galella, Frank Galicki, Donald Kanavy, James Marcks
Consultant Present: Phil Latinski
ITEM 2 Chairman Majikes welcomed Joe Farrell, Principal of Carbondale Area Junior-Senior High School, to the District II Committee.
ITEM 3 A motion was made by Maureen Williams, seconded by Danielle Adams, to approve the minutes of the August 13, 2009 meeting. All Ayes
ITEM 4 Frank Victor, District II Treasurer, presented the Treasurer’s Report. As of July 1, 2009 the district had a balance of $142,450.07. $71,472.69 is in our current checking account, $58,843.02 is in the PIAA Corporate Account, and $12,134.36 is located in a Certificate of Deposit. During the 2008-2009 year the District accumulated $356,206.05 in unrestricted revenues and had $353,424.41 in unrestricted expenses. Overall, there was a $2,781.64 increase in the District II Treasury from July 1, 2008 to July 1, 2009. Frank also distributed the total Expense Report for the 2008-2009 school year as well as the final Receipt Report for the year. Finally, our most recently completed state audit report is now requiring all District Championship events to complete an official “PIAA District II Championship Contest Financial Report”. That report will be placed on the website for access by game managers.
A motion was made by Bill King, seconded by Bill Schoen, to approve the Treasurer’s Report as presented. All Ayes
ITEM 5 The following eligibility requests were acted upon by the District II Committee:
A.) A motion was made by Jim Higgins, seconded by Danielle Adams, to approve the immediate eligibility of Dane Addley, Valley View to Holy Cross, in accordance with Article VI, Transfers and Residence, principal to principal sign off. All Ayes
B.) A motion was made by Mike Costanza, seconded by Bill King, to approve the immediate eligibility of Austin Buntz, Hazleton Area to Holy Cross, in accordance with Article VI, Transfers and Residence, principal to principal sign off. All Ayes
C.) A motion was made by Bill Schoen, seconded by Jeff Gregory, to approve the immediate eligibility of Louis Degnan, Wyoming Area to Holy Redeemer, in accordance with Article VI, Transfers and Residence, principal to principal sign off. All Ayes
D.) A motion was made by Mike Ognosky, seconded by Joe Farrell, to approve the immediate eligibility of Ryan Duffy, Holy Redeemer to Wyoming Valley West, in accordance with Article VI, Transfers and Residence, principal to principal sign off. All Ayes
E.) A motion was made by Jay Starnes, seconded by Bill King, to approve the immediate eligibility of Lindsey Dunn, Holy Redeemer to Wyoming Valley West, in accordance with Article VI, Transfers and Residence, principal to principal sign off. All Ayes
F.) A motion was made by Bill Schoen, seconded by Jeff Gregory, to approve the immediate eligibility of Nour Hasan, Wyoming Seminary to Coughlin, in accordance with Article VI, Transfers and Residence, principal to principal sign off. All Ayes
G.) A motion was made by Dick Orlowski, seconded by Vito Quaglia, to approve the immediate eligibility of Mave McCarey, Montrose to Mt. View, in accordance with Article VI, Transfers and Residence, principal to principal sign off. All Ayes
H.) A motion was made by Jay Starnes, seconded by Mike Ognosky, to approve the immediate eligibility of Tyler McGovern, Wyoming Valley West to Lake-Lehman, in accordance with Article VI, Transfers and Residence, principal to principal sign off. All Ayes
I.) A motion was made by Maureen Williams, seconded by Frank Victor, to approve the immediate eligibility of M. Grace McGrath, Dunmore to Scranton Prep, in accordance with Article VI, Transfers and Residence, principal to principal sign off. All Ayes
J.) A motion was made by Joe Farrell, seconded by Bill King, to approve the immediate eligibility of Jordan Okun, Wyoming Seminary to Coughlin, in accordance with Article VI, Transfers and Residence, principal to principal sign off. All Ayes
K.) A motion was made by Bill Schoen, seconded by Jeff Gregory, to approve the immediate eligibility of Allison Smith, Lake-Lehman to Holy Redeemer, in accordance with Article VI, Transfers and Residence, principal to principal sign off. All Ayes
L.) A motion was made by Jay Starnes, seconded by Mike Ognosky, to approve the immediate eligibility of Micah Springer, Hanover Area to Meyers, in accordance with Article VI, Transfers and Residence, principal to principal sign off. All Ayes
M.) A motion was made by Joe Farrell, seconded by Bill King, to approve the immediate eligibility of Michael Springer, Hanover Area to Meyers, in accordance with Article VI, Transfers and Residence, principal to principal sign off. All Ayes
N.) A motion was made by Mike Ognosky, seconded by Jeff Gregory, to approve the immediate eligibility of Anthony Gipson, Hanover Area to Meyers, in accordance with Article VI, Transfers and Residence, principal to principal sign off. All Ayes
ITEM 6 A.) A motion was made by Jay Starnes, seconded by Jeff Gregory, to
approve the eligibility of Ana Valeria Almeida Correa, France to
Tunkhannock, in accordance with Article VII, Foreign Exchange
Students. All Ayes
B.) A motion was made by Mike Costanza, seconded by Bill King, to approve the eligibility of Sergio Napolitano, Italy to Delaware Valley,
in accordance with Article VII, Foreign Exchange Students, pending completion of paperwork. All Ayes
C.) A motion was made by Danielle Adams, seconded by Joe Farrell, to approve the eligibility of Maximilan Rottenecker, Germany to Meyers, in accordance with Article VII, Foreign Exchange Students, pending completion of paperwork. All Ayes
D.) A motion was made by Dick Orlowski, seconded by Frank Victor, to approve the eligibility of Brenda Patron Pason-Benel, Ecuador to Meyers, in accordance with Article VII, Foreign Exchange Students, pending completion of paperwork. All Ayes
ITEM 7 A.) A motion was made by Jay Starnes, seconded by Dick Orlowski, to
approve the immediate eligibility of Amanda Brobst, GAR, in
accordance with Article 3, Section 3, Attendance. All Ayes
B.) A motion was made by Vito Quaglia, seconded by Mike Costanza, to
approve the immediate eligibility of Andres Jones, GAR, in
accordance with Article 3, Section 3, Attendance. All Ayes
ITEM 8 Danielle Adams, District II Track Chairperson, reviewed recommended
changes in the procedures for District II Track and Field Championships
as determined by the District II Track and Field Committee at their
August, 2009 meeting:
· Pole Vault: This issue came to the District II Track and Field Committee following this year’s championships. A letter was received by the committee regarding the moving of the height of the bar between jumps. For the 2010 Championships the committee will meet with the officials for the event and determine the process of moving the height in accordance with National Federation recommendations. That will then be communicated to all contestants prior to the start of the event.
· Junior High Meet: The venue for the junior high meet will be moved from Hanover Area High School to Scranton High School. That will place all of the championships at the same venue on the 8 lane track at Scranton.
· Varsity Meet: The schedule for the Varsity AA and AAA Championship meets has been altered. The Varsity meets will now be run on Monday and Tuesday, allowing for rain dates on Wednesday and Thursday. If the Monday meet is rained out, it will be held on Wednesday.
· The committee considered the request to pattern the schedule of the District meet after the state meet schedule, but elected to retain the format of running the entire AAA meet on one day and the entire AA meet on another.
ITEM 9 The Committee received a letter from Freeland MMI Athletic Director/Volleyball Coach, Bruce Young, requesting that the district alter the format of the A Girls’ Volleyball Championships, to allow MMI (the only A team playing in the WVC) to play –in against the 4th placed “A” team of the LIAA should MMI not have one of the top four winning percentages. The Committee also reviewed a recommendation from the WVC Athletic Directors on the same subject asking that the change suggested by MMI be allowed. After much discussion, a motion was made by Mike Ognosky, seconded by Jeff Gregory, that the current format be maintained, and that the District II Volleyball Committee take into consideration the request from MMI when formatting the 2010-11 and 2011-12 District Championships and bring a recommendation to the District II Committee for action. 14 Ayes, 1 Nay
ITEM 10 Mike Ognosky reviewed the potential for a spring in-service sponsored by the District II Committee featuring Matt Davidson, Founder, President, and Director of Education for the Institute for Excellence and Ethics. His presentation, “Maximizing the Power of Character” is focused on the development and dissemination of research-based tools for developing character and culture in school, work, and home. The Committee has established the date of March 10, 2010 for the evening seminar and details will be announced when finalized.
ITEM 11 Sports Reports:
· Cross Country (Bill King) The format for the District II Varsity and Junior High Championships was presented. A motion was made by Jim Higgins, seconded by Jay Starnes, to accept the format as presented and have it placed on the District II Website. All Ayes
· Girls’ Volleyball (Maureen Williams) The format for the District II Girls’ Volleyball Championships was presented. A motion was made by Danielle Adams, seconded by Mike Ognosky, to accept the format as presented and have it placed on the District II Website. All Ayes
· Soccer (Vito Quaglia) The format for the District II Boys’ Championships was presented. A motion was made by Maureen Williams, seconded by Bill King, to accept the format as presented and have it placed on the District II Website. All Ayes
· Basketball (Frank Victor) A meeting of the District II Basketball Committee will be held in the near future in order to discuss the current format of the tournament. The two issues to be discussed will be the continuation of the open tournament into the next two year cycle and the current scheduling format of boys’ on one evening and girls’ on the other versus the state format (AA and AAAA boys’ and girls’ on day, and A and AAA boys’ and girls; the next) currently in place.
· Wrestling (Jay Starnes) The wrestling committee is recommending that Susquehanna be moved from the East to the West Junior High Regional for this year. A motion was made by Bill King, seconded by Jeff Gregory, to approve the recommendation. All Ayes. Also, the committee, in the near future, will be asking for Requests for Proposal from District II schools that would be interested in hosting either a one day or two day District Individual Wrestling Championship tournament.
· Officials Report (Maureen Williams) In a recent meeting with all District interpreters, the Officials’ Representatives are now planning to hold joint chapter meetings in all sports prior to the start of the District playoffs – as is currently done in basketball.
ITEM 12 Chairman Majikes reviewed two communications regarding soccer. The
first was from Irv DeRemer, President of the Wyoming Valley Girls’ Soccer Conference, requesting that the District II Committee pass on the request of the WVC that the PIAA delay the proposed change in the girls’ spring soccer season to the fall season until the start of the 2012-13 season. The letter delineated a number of reasons for the request and asked that those reasons be communicated to the PIAA Main Office. Also, a communication was received, and discussed, from a concerned fan regarding an incident at the recent Scranton Prep/Honesdale soccer match.
ITEM 13 The meeting schedule for the 2009-2010 year has been finalized as follows (all meetings begin at 4:15 p.m.):
Wednesday, October 21st @ Scranton High School
Wednesday, November 18th @ Wilkes-Barre Area C & TC
Wednesday, December 16th @ Carbondale Junior-Senior High School
Wednesday, January 20th @ Wilkes-Barre Area C & TC
Wednesday, February 17th @ Wilkes-Barre Area C & TC
Tuesday, March 16th @ Scranton High School
Wednesday, April 21st @ Wilkes-Barre Area C & TC
Wednesday, May 19th @ Valley View High School
Wednesday, June 16th @ Wilkes-Barre Area C & TC
ITEM 14 Chairman Majikes reviewed the communication from the PIAA outlining the process for submitting the school’s male and female enrollments in grades 9, 10, and 11, as of Thursday, October 1, 2009. Schools will be receiving information from the PIAA Main Office in the near future. A request will also be coming to follow the same procedures for grades 6, 7, and 8.
ITEM 15 Chairman Majikes reviewed a communication from the PIAA Main Office regarding the utilization of MaxPreps, the “Official Statistician of the PIAA District and Inter-District Championships”, in gathering schedules, rosters, results, and statistics of member senior high schools in the sports of girls’ volleyball, football, girls’ and boys’ basketball, baseball, and softball for post season competition.
ITEM 16 Chairman Majikes reviewed a communication from the National Federation providing detailed information on the High School Sports Participation Increases over the last 20 years. He also reviewed a communication from the PIAA Main Office, “A Principal’s Organization, Principle-Based”, outlining the structure, purpose, goals and major areas of operation of the organization.
ITEM 17 A motion was made by Bill King, seconded by Joe Farrell, to adjourn the meeting. All Ayes
Meeting was adjourned at 6:32 p.m.
Submitted by
Mike Ognosky
Mike Ognosky, District II Secretary