Meeting was convened at 4:15 p.m. by Chairman Majikes

ITEM 1 Chairman Majikes called the meeting to order at 4:15 p.m.

Absent, but accounted for: Fred Barletta, John Coyle, Joseph Farrell, Vito Quaglia, Jay Starnes, and Ben Tolerico

ITEM 2 A motion was made by Chris Gegaris, seconded by Maureen Williams, to approve the minutes of the August 17, 2016 meeting. All Ayes

ITEM 3 Pat Patte, District II Co-Treasurer, presented the Treasurer’s Report as of September 20, 2016. As of that date the district has a balance of $260,571.53. Our total Certificates of Deposit are $12,680.84 and the Total Savings and Checking Accounts are $247,890.69. The District began the 2016-17 fiscal year with a balance of $265,890.54.

A motion was made by John Haas, seconded by Ron Collins, to approve the Treasurer’s Report as presented. All Aye

ITEM 4Pat Patte then distributed the Game Manager Report to be utilized during the 2016-2017 Championships. Beginning with the fall championships, game workers will be paid via check for service rendered in connection with District II Championship events. The District’s new game manager format and fee schedule was also presented. A motion was made by Eric Emmerich, seconded by Mark Rinaldi, to approve the new format. All Ayes

The new format has been placed on the District II webpage. District II Game Managers can access the report and print it out prior to their contests.



·         Baseball (Frank Majikes): Frank Majikes presented the results of the recently conducted District Baseball Chairpersons’ webinar regarding the “pitch count” requirements from the National Federation. It was unanimously voted by that group to recommend to the PIAA Board of Directors to institute the following pitching restrictions and corresponding days of rest. 76-100 pitches would require 3 calendar days of rest; 51-75 pitches would require 2 calendar days of rest; 26-50 pitches would require 1 calendar day of rest; and, 1-25 pitches would not require a rest day.

·         Basketball (Frank Majikes): Frank Majikes reminded the committee members that we could have up to 12 championship contests at the Arena this year. That would require the committee to utilize Thursday, Friday, and Saturday for games. If there are 10 games to be played there would be 2 on Thursday, 3 on Friday, and 5 on Saturday. If there are 11 games to be played there would be 3 on Thursday, 3 on Friday, and 5 on Saturday. If there are 12 games to be played there would be 3 on Thursday, 4 on Friday, and 5 on Saturday. Details will be announced as we move closer to the winter championships.

·         Cheerleading (Chris Gegaris): Cheerleading Chairperson Chris Gegaris informed the committee that the date for this year’s District Competitive Cheer Championships will now be Sunday, November 20th.

·         Cross Country (Bill King): Cross Country Chairperson Bill King reviewed the Cross Country Championship format with the Committee. A motion was made by Ron Collins, seconded by Joh Haas, to approve the format as reviewed. All Ayes. The format will be distributed to the Athletic Directors and placed on the webpage. A reminder that this year’s site is Lakeland High School.

·         Field Hockey (Chris Gegaris): Field Hockey Chairperson Chris Gegaris presented the format for this year’s Field Hockey Championships. A motion was made by Maureen Williams, seconded by Danielle DePietro, to approve the format as discussed. All Ayes. It will be posted on the webpage and sent to the Athletic Directors.

·         Football (Mike Ognosky): Football Chairperson Mike Ognosky distributed the format and procedures for this year’s championships. A motion was made by Bill King, seconded by Chad Vinansky, to approve the format as presented. All Ayes. The format will be sent to the Athletic Directors and is on the webpage.

·         Golf (Joe Farrell): Frank Majikes presented the format for the District II Golf Championships. A motion was made by Pat Patte, seconded by Bill Schoen, to approve the format at presented. All Ayes. The approved format will be sent to the Athletic Directors and is on the webpage.

·         Soccer (Mark Rinaldi): Soccer Chairperson Mark Rinaldi presented the format for the District Soccer Championships and included in the format a recommendation to host all contests, including the championships, on the field of the higher seed through the finals. After discussion, the committee agreed with the exception that a site must be suitable for the charging of admission in order to host the championship game. A motion was made by Bill Schoen, seconded by Bill King, to approve it for distribution to the Athletic Directors and to place it on the webpage. 13 Ayes, 1 Nay.

·         Girls Tennis (John Coyle): Mike Ognosky presented the format for theGirls’ Tennis championship and a motion was made by Pat Patte, seconded by Chris Gegaris, to approve the motion. All Ayes. The format will be distributed to the Athletic Directors and posted on the website.

·         Girls’ Volleyball (Maureen Williams): Maureen Williams presented the format for the District Volleyball Girls’ Championships. A motion was made by Mary Ruth Tanner, seconded by Bill King, to approve the format as presented. It will be distributed to the Athletic Directors and posted on the website.

·         Awards (Bill Schoen): Chairman Majikes reminded Committee members that there will be a special meeting on Thursday, September 21, 2016 at 4 p.m. at the Wilkes-Barre Career & Technology Center for the purpose of awarding the bid for District Medals, Plaques and Awards for the 2016-17 and 2017-18 years.

ITEM 6 The following eligibility requests were acted upon by the District II


·         A motion was made by Ron Collins, seconded by Eric Emmerich, to approve the immediate eligibility of Emily Banik, Crestwood to Wyoming Valley West, in accordance with Article VI, Transfers and Residence, principal to principal sign off. All Ayes

·         A motion was made Pat Patte, seconded by Danielle DePietro, to approve the immediate eligibility of Jake Brown, from Oregon to Western Wayne, in accordance with Article VI, Transfers and Residence, principal to principal sign off. All Ayes

·         A motion was made by Bill Schoen, seconded by Ron Collins, to approve the immediate eligibility of Dylan Burwell, Holy Redeemer to Pittston Area, in accordance with Article VI, Transfers and Residence, principal to principal sign off. All Ayes

·         A motion was made by Mark Rinaldi, seconded by Chris Thomas to approve the immediate eligibility of Armand Charland, Arizona to Wyoming Seminary, in accordance with Article VI, Transfers and Residence, principal to principal sign off. All Ayes

·         A motion was made by Mary Ruth Tanner, seconded by Eric Emmerich, to approve the immediate eligibility of Thomas Chen, Abington Heights to Wyoming Seminary, in accordance with Article VI, Transfers and Residence, principal to principal sign off. All Ayes

·         A motion was made by Chad Vinansky, seconded by Bill King, to approve the immediate eligibility of Parker Dal Santo, Dallas to Holy Redeemer, in accordance with Article VI, Transfers and Residence, principal to principal sign off. All Ayes

·         A motion was made by Mark Rinaldi, seconded by Chad Vinansky, to approve the immediate eligibility of Ian Dougherty, Wyoming Seminary to Holy Redeemer, in accordance with Article VI, Transfers and Residence, principal to principal sign off. All Ayes

·         A motion was made by Danielle DePietro, seconded by Maureen Williams, to approve the immediate eligibility of Nicholas Fumanti, Old Forge to Riverside, in accordance with Article VI, Transfers and Residence, principal to principal sign off. All Ayes

·         A motion was made by Maureen Williams, seconded by Pat Patte, to approve the immediate eligibility of Dimitin Gnall, Scranton Prep to Wyoming Seminary, in accordance with Article VI, Transfers and Residence, principal to principal sign off. All Ayes

·         A motion was made by Chris Thomas, seconded by Mark Rinaldi, to approve the immediate eligibility of Nathan Harrison, New Jersey to Nanticoke, in accordance with Article VI, Transfers and Residence, principal to principal sign off. All Ayes

·         A motion was made by Bill King, seconded by Mary Ruth Tanner, to approve the immediate eligibility of Allyson Helfer, New Mexico to Crestwood, in accordance with Article VI, Transfers and Residence, principal to principal sign off. All Ayes

·         A motion was made by Chris Thomas, seconded by Eric Emmerich, to approve the immediate eligibility of Irelyn Jannuzzi, New Jersey to Holy Redeemer, in accordance with Article VI, Transfers and Residence, principal to principal sign off. All Ayes

·         A motion was made by Chad Vinansky, seconded by Ron Collins, to approve the immediate eligibility of Shawn King, Reservoir High School to Wyoming Seminary, in accordance with Article VI, Transfers and Residence, principal to principal sign off. All Ayes

·         A motion was made by Chad Vinansky, seconded by Bill Schoen, to approve the immediate eligibility of Kaitlin Kline, Clogett HS to Crestwood, in accordance with Article VI, Transfers and Residence, principal to principal sign off. All Ayes

·         A motion was made by Chris Thomas, seconded by Ron Collins, to approve the immediate eligibility of Sevion Leak, St. Michael’s Academy to Pittston Area, in accordance with Article VI, Transfers and Residence, principal to principal sign off, pending the completion of the appropriate paperwork. All Ayes

·         A motion was made by John Haas, seconded by Maureen Williams, to approve the immediate eligibility of Damian Little, Valley View to Lakeland, in accordance with Article VI, Transfers and Residence, principal to principal sign off. All Ayes

·         A motion was made by Danielle DePietro, seconded by Chris Gegaris, to approve the immediate eligibility of Zachary Maldacker, PA Cyber to Wallenpaupack, in accordance with Article VI, Transfers and Residence, principal to principal sign off. All Ayes

·         A motion was made by Pat Patte, seconded by Chris Gegaris, to approve the immediate eligibility of Ian Mascioli, North Pocono to Old Forge, in accordance with Article VI, Transfers and Residence, principal to principal sign off. All Ayes

·         A motion was made by Bill Schoen, seconded by Bill King, to approve the immediate eligibility of Anthony Molinaro, PA Cyber to Pittston Area, in accordance with Article VI, Transfers and Residence, principal to principal sign off. All Ayes

·         A motion was made by John Haas, seconded by Maureen Williams, to approve the immediate eligibility of Bryan Metz, New Jersey to Wallenpaupack, in accordance with Article VI, Transfers and Residence, principal to principal sign off. All Ayes

·         A motion was made by Ron Collins, seconded by Eric Emmerich, to approve the immediate eligibility of Daniel Meuser, Wyoming Seminary to Dallas, in accordance with Article VI, Transfers and Residence, principal to principal sign off. All Ayes

·         A motion was made by Mark Rinaldi, seconded by Mary Ruth Tanner, to approve the immediate eligibility of Shelby Monk, Hanover Area to Wyoming Seminary, in accordance with Article VI, Transfers and Residence, principal to principal sign off. All Ayes

·         A motion was made by Chad Vinansky, seconded by Ron Collins, to approve the immediate eligibility of Abigayle Nelson, Wyoming Area to Pittston Area in accordance with Article VI, Transfers and Residence, principal to principal sign off. All Ayes

·         A motion was made by Ron Collins, seconded by Bill Schoen, to approve the immediate eligibility of Moyasar Osman, Central Columbia to Wyoming Seminary, in accordance with Article VI, Transfers and Residence, principal to principal sign off. All Ayes

·         A motion was made by Eric Emmerich, seconded by Chris Thomas, to approve the immediate eligibility of Philip Ovelette, Emmaus to Wyoming Seminary, in accordance with Article VI, Transfers and Residence, principal to principal sign off. All Ayes

·         A motion was made by Chris Thomas, seconded by Chad Vinansky, to approve the immediate eligibility of William Perles, New Mexico to Pittston Area, in accordance with Article VI, Transfers and Residence, principal to principal sign off. All Ayes

·         A motion was made by Mary Ruth Tanner, seconded by Mark Rinaldi, to approve the immediate eligibility of Rachel Ricker, Dallas to Holy Redeemer, in accordance with Article VI, Transfers and Residence, principal to principal sign off. All Ayes

·         A motion was made by Bill King, seconded by Eric Emmerich, to approve the immediate eligibility of Myya Swainbank, Coughlin to Wyoming Seminary, in accordance with Article VI, Transfers and Residence, principal to principal sign off. All Ayes

·         A motion was made by Ron Collins, seconded by Mary Ruth Tanner, to approve the immediate eligibility of Ashlynd Taylor, Towanda to Wyoming Seminary, in accordance with Article VI, Transfers and Residence, principal to principal sign off. All Ayes

·         A motion was made by Mary Ruth Tanner, seconded by Mark Rinaldi, to approve the immediate eligibility of Rachel Rickey, Dallas to Holy Redeemer, in accordance with Article VI, Transfers and Residence, principal to principal sign off. All Ayes

·         A motion was made by Bill King, seconded by Eric Emmerich, to approve the immediate eligibility of Myya Swainbank, Coughlin to Wyoming Seminary, in accordance with Article VI, Transfers and Residence, principal to principal sign off. All Ayes

·         A motion was made by Ron Collins, seconded by Mary Ruth Tanner, to approve the immediate eligibility of Ashlynd Taylor, Towanda to Wyoming Seminary, in accordance with Article VI, Transfers and Residence, principal to principal sign off. All Ayes

·         A motion was made by Bill King, seconded by Chad Vinansky, to approve the immediate eligibility of Caroline Wesp, North HS to Pittston Area, in accordance with Article VI, Transfers and Residence, principal to principal sign off. All Ayes

·         A motion was made by Eric Emmerich, seconded by Mary Ruth Tanner, to approve the immediate eligibility of Therese Young, Wyoming Seminary to Holy Redeemer, in accordance with Article VI, Transfers and Residence, principal to principal sign off. All Ayes

·         A motion was made by Chad Vinansky, seconded by Bill Schoen, to approve the immediate eligibility of John Zubris, Coughlin to Lake-Lehman, in accordance with Article VI, Transfers and Residence, principal to principal sign off. All Ayes

ITEM 7 The following Foreign Exchange eligibility requests were acted upon by the District II Committee:

·         A motion was made by Chad Vinansky, seconded by Chris Thomas, to approve the immediate eligibility of Pau Cabella, Spain to Wyoming Valley West, in accordance with Article VII, Foreign Exchange Students. All Ayes

·         A motion was made by Chris Gegaris, seconded by Maureen Williams, to approve the immediate eligibility of Rosa Benitez Fernandez, Spain to Montrose, in accordance with Article VII, Foreign Exchange Students. All Ayes

·         A motion was made by Mary Ruth Tanner, seconded by Mark Rinaldi, to approve the immediate eligibility of Clovis DeLuz, Brazil to Lake-Lehman, in accordance with Article VII, Foreign Exchange Students. All Ayes

·         A motion was made by Ron Collins, seconded by Mark Rinaldi, to approve the immediate eligibility of Julien Jopp, Germany to Dallas, in accordance with Article VII, Foreign Exchange Students. All Ayes

·         A motion was made by Bill King, seconded by Chad Vinansky, to approve the immediate eligibility of Antonio Frazone, Italy to Lake-Lehman, in accordance with Article VII, Foreign Exchange Students. All Ayes

·         A motion was made by Bill Schoen, seconded by Ron Colllins, to approve the immediate eligibility of Alvaro Leon-Parra, Spain to Wyoming Valley West, in accordance with Article VII, Foreign Exchange Students. All Ayes

·         A motion was made by Chad Vinansky, seconded by Chris Thomas, to approve the immediate eligibility of Alessia Mazzalupi, Italy to Nanticoke, in accordance with Article VII, Foreign Exchange Students. All Ayes

·         A motion was made by Mark Rinaldi, seconded by Eric Emmerich, to approve the immediate eligibility of Claas Nemitz, Germany to Wyoming Valley West, in accordance with Article VII, Foreign Exchange Students. All Ayes

·         A motion was made by Bill Schoen, seconded by Chris Thomas, to approve the immediate eligibility of Alejandra Rivas, Spain to Wyoming Valley West, in accordance with Article VII, Foreign Exchange Students. All Ayes

·         A motion was made by Chad Vinansky, seconded by Eric Emmerich, to approve the immediate eligibility of Stefano Sica, Italy to Tunkhannock, in accordance with Article VII, Foreign Exchange Students. All Ayes

·         A motion was made by Chris Gegaris, seconded by Maureen Williams, to approve the immediate eligibility of Harry Chinnick, Australia to Mid Valley, in accordance with Article VI, Transfers and Residence, principal to principal sign off. All Ayes

ITEM 8 Chairman Majikes distributed to game workers’ fee schedule for the 2016-2017 year and reviewed it carefully with the committee, Following discussion, a motion was made by Maureen Williams, seconded by Danielle DePietro, to approve the schedule as submitted and including the changes recommended by the committee members during discussion. All Ayes

ITEM 9 Chairman Majikes distributed the recently revised “PIAA Member School Athletic Transfer Waiver Request Form” for committee review. The form has been distributed to member schools and should be utilized immediately. The form now contains information regarding AAU participation.

ITEM 10 Chairman Majikes reviewed a report received from Anita Sirak, Principal of Holy Redeemer, regarding the circumstances surrounding the recently forfeited football contest versus Western Wayne. After discussion, a motion was made by Bill King, seconded by Eric Emmerich, to accept the report based on the circumstances presented by the Holy Redeemer Administration regarding this specific forfeiture. All Ayes

ITEM 11 Chairman Majikes reviewed the September, 2016 PIAA Newsletter highlighting the newest addition to the PIAA State Office Staff, Assistant Executive Director Jennifer Grassel. Jennifer’s duties will include overseeing the coaches education program, public relations, championship director as assigned, and by-law interpretation.

ITEM 12 Chairman Majikes reviewed the meeting schedule for the District II Committee for the 2016-2017 school year. Meetings will be scheduled on the third Wednesday of each month.

ITEM 13 Chairman Majikes presented a review of the various sub-regional formats that District II will be involved in during the next two year cycle. A copy of the formats was provided to each committee member present.

ITEM 14 A motion was made by Bill Schoen, seconded by Danielle DePietro, to adjourn the meeting. All Ayes

Meeting was adjourned at 6:50 p.m.



Submitted by

Mike Ognosky

District II Secretary