Meeting was convened at 4:15 p.m. by Chairman Majikes
ITEM 1 Chairman Majikes called the meeting to order at 4:15 p.m.
Absent, but accounted for: William King, Ray Lowery, Jim Marks
District II Solicitor Present: Donald Rogers
Consultants Present: Marty Lawler
Press Present: John Erzar, Steve Bennett
Chairman Majikes also provided each of the members of the committee with the most current list of addresses, phone numbers, etc.
ITEM 2 A motion was made by Bob Okrasinski, seconded by Mike Costanza, to approve the minutes of the August 11, 2005 meeting. All Ayes
ITEM 3 Frank Victor presented the treasurer’s report. The report shows a current balance of $132,396 as of September 21, 2005. That includes a total of $63,997.12 in Certificates of Deposit as well as $68,399.04 in the Savings and Checking Accounts.
A motion was made by Jim Sabatini, seconded by Tom Finan, to approve the treasurer’s report. All Ayes
ITEM 4 Chairman Majikes provided the committee with a number of recent PIAA News Releases:
a.) Information clarifying the ‘loyalty’ clause of the by-laws. At its meeting of July 28, 2005 the PIAA State Board of Directors unanimously voted to rescind Article IX, Section 1, which means that, at least as to the PIAA by-laws, students may compete on an outside team in the same sport during the same sport season and no longer require a waiver from the principal to do so.
b.) The PIAA Executive Committee suspended the application of Article VI, Section 5 of the by-laws as applied to those students who resided in the states of Alabama, Louisiana, and Mississippi and have now had to relocate due to Hurricane Katrina.
c.) The National Federation has announced that the number of participants in high school athletics for the 2004-05 school year topped the 7 million mark for the first time in history.
ITEM 5 Chairman Majikes provided the committee with a number of reminders:
a.) The new enrollment statistics are due to the PIAA main office by October 14th. Principals should be receiving the appropriate forms shortly. Remember, this year there is a $1,000 fine for schools that fail to meet the deadline. Enrollment figures to be submitted will be based on the enrollment on September 30th.
b.) The Committee continues to accept applicants for the representative for female athletics from the Luzerne County school districts. Deadline for applications is October 1st and they are to be sent to Mr. Frank Majikes, District II Chairman.
ITEM 6 Mr. Anthony Altieri, Wyoming Valley Red Cross, presented a report to the committee regarding an upcoming class that is being offered to coaches and sports’ officials regarding sports training program on standard first aid. The Sports Safety Training Program will be held on Saturday, October 29th from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the North Sherman Street offices of the American Red Cross in Wilkes-Barre. The fee for the program is $55.
a.) Football (Tom Jenkins): The seeding meeting for the district playoffs will be held at the Victoria Inn in Pittston on Monday, November 7th at Noon. All member schools may access the information regarding the playoff format on the District II website at
b.) Volleyball (Maureen Williams): Maureen Williams announced that the playoff format for girl’s volleyball will remain as established last year. A discussion was held regarding the awarding of a championship in AAA. Our AAA representative, the team with the best league winning percentage, will compete in the District XI playoffs. A motion was made by Mike Ognosky, seconded by Frank Victor, to award the AAA team that represents District II in the District XI playoffs, with the District II Championship. All Ayes
c.) Soccer (Ray Lowery): In Ray’s absence, Chairman Majikes presented the format for the District Boys’ Soccer Championships. The format will remain the same as last year.
d.) Field Hockey (Tom Finan): Chairman Finan announced that the District Championship format will remain the same. A copy of the format is available on the district web page on the field hockey page.
e.) Tennis (Mike Ognosky): The Girls’ District Singles championships were completed on Tuesday, September 20th with Alex Sebia (Scranton Prep) winning the championship. The Doubles championship will be held later this week and the District Team championships will be conducted on Monday, October 17th and Tuesday, October 18th.
f.) Golf (Tony Rusnak): The Individual Championship will be held on October 3rd at Scranton Municipal Golf Course. The team championships will be held at Glenmaura later in the month of October.
ITEM 8 The committee then moved into Executive session at 5:05 p.m. in order to discuss an administrative report submitted by the administration of Wilkes-Barre GAR.
At 5:10 p.m. the committee returned from executive session and Chairman Majikes directed the District II Secretary, Mike Ognosky, to write a letter to the administration of Wilkes-Barre GAR applauding their efforts in addressing a discipline concern involving the conduct of a coach that occurred in a recent boys’ soccer game.
The committee returned to Executive session at 5:10 p.m. in order to conduct an eligibility hearing on Robert Myers, from Dallas to Crestwood, in accordance with Article VI, Transfers and Residence, of the PIAA by-laws. Dallas has refused to sign the principal-to-principal sign off resulting in a hearing. Committee members Frank Majikes, Jim Higgins and Mike Costanza did not participate in the deliberation or vote.
At 6:25 p.m. the committee returned from executive session following deliberation and a motion was made by Frank Victor, seconded by Tony Rusnak, to approve the eligibility of Robert Myers, from Dallas to Crestwood, in accordance with Article VI of the PIAA by-laws. All Ayes
ITEM 9 The committee returned to Executive session at 6:30 p.m. in order to conduct an eligibility hearing on Ryan Nemetz, from Dallas to Bishop Hoban, in accordance with Article VI, Transfers and Residence, of the PIAA by-laws. Dallas has refused to sign the principal-to-principal sign off resulting in a hearing. Committee members Frank Majikes, Jim Higgins, Frank Galicki and Mike Costanza did not participate in the deliberation or vote.
At 7:28 p.m. the committee returned from executive session following deliberation and a motion was made by Don Kanavy, seconded by Bob Okrasinski, to approve the eligibility of Ryan Nemetz, from Dallas to Bishop Hoban, in accordance with Article VI of the PIAA by-laws. 8 Ayes, 2 Nays.
ITEM 10 The following students were granted eligibility under Article VII, Foreign
Exchange Students:
a.) A motion was made by Tom Jenkins, seconded by Phil Cappellini, to approve eligibility for Sixto Manuel Martinez, Venezuela to Tunkhannock. All Ayes
b.) A motion was made by Jim Sabatini, seconded by Mike Costanza, to approve eligibility for Mariana Neves, Brazil to Scranton. All Ayes
c.) A motion was made by Frank Victor, seconded by Frank Galicki, to approve eligibility for Boris Feron, Belgium to Lakeland. All Ayes
d.) A motion was made by Bob Okrasinski, seconded by Jim Higgins, to approve eligibility for Guiherme Sanchez, Brazil to Lakeland. All Ayes
e.) A motion was made by Tom Finan, seconded by Mike Ognosky, to approve eligibility for Silvia Farinini, Italy to Tunkhannock. All Ayes
f.) A motion was made by Tony Rusnak, seconded by Don Kanavy, to approve eligibility for Anna Stieler, Germany to Wyoming Area. All Ayes
g.) A motion was made by Tom Finan, seconded by Tom Jenkins, to approve eligibility for Georges Schultze, Germany to Hanover Area. All Ayes .
h.) A motion was made by Jim Higgins, seconded by Bob Okrasinski, to approve eligibility for Jose Pablo Velez, Ecuador to Carbondale. All Ayes
ITEM 11 The following students were granted eligibility under Article VI, Section 8, principal-to-principal sign off:
a.) A motion was made by Tom Jenkins, seconded by Tony Rusnak, to approve eligibility for Rahim Abdul Baines, Williamsport to Wilkes-Barre Meyers. All Ayes
b.) A motion was made by Tom Finan, seconded by Phil Cappellini, to approve eligibility for Amir DuBoyd Bey, GAR to Bishop Hoban. All Ayes
c.) A motion was made by Mike Ognosky, seconded by Don Kanavy, to approve eligibility for Anna Rose Granteed, Pittston Area to Berwick. All Ayes
d.) A motion was made by Tom Jenkins, seconded by Tony Rusnak, to approve eligibility for Julie Maria Granteed, Pittston Area to Berwick. All Ayes
e.) A motion was made by Mike Ognosky, seconded by Don Kanavy, to approve eligibility for Zach Jon Paul Halbing, Bishop O’Reilly to Bishop Hoban. All Ayes
f.) A motion was made by Tom Finan, seconded by Tom Jenkins, to approve eligibility for Stephanie Harkins, Wyoming Valley West to Bishop Hoban. All Ayes
g.) A motion was made by Don Kanavy, seconded by Phil Cappellini, to approve eligibility for Jared Mason, Crestwood to Meyers. All Ayes
h.) A motion was made by Jim Sabatini, seconded by Mike Costanza, to approve eligibility for Michael Massey, West Scranton to Scranton. All Ayes
i.) A motion was made by Tom Jenkins, seconded by Tony Rusnak, to approve eligibility for Maura Elizabeth McCormick, Wyoming Seminary to Wyoming Valley West. All Ayes
j.) A motion was made by Tom Finan, seconded by Mike Ognosky, to approve eligibility for Gino William Raineri, Wyoming Seminary to Bishop Hoban. All Ayes
k.) A motion was made by Phil Cappellini, seconded by Tom Finan, to approve eligibility for Moses Joseph Sam, GAR to Bishop Hoban. All Ayes
ITEM 12 Chairman Majikes reviewed the remaining meeting dates for the 2005-06 school year:
Thursday, October 20th
Wednesday, November 16th
Sunday, December 4th
Wednesday, December 21st
Wednesday, January 18th
Wednesday, February 15th