Meeting was convened at 4:25 p.m. by Chairman Majikes
ITEM 1 Chairman Majikes called the meeting to order at 4:25 p.m.
Absent, but accounted for: Danielle Adams, James Marcks, Mike Costanza, and Vito Quaglia
Consultant Present: Marty Lawler
ITEM 2 Chairman Majikes welcomed the three newest members of the District II Committee to today’s meeting: Eric Emmerich (School Board Representative from Elk Lake), Chris Gegaris (Principal, Crestwood High School), Chris Thomas (Principal, Old Forge High School).
ITEM 3 A motion was made by Jim Higgins, seconded by Jay Starnes, to approve the minutes of the August 17, 2011 meeting. All Ayes
ITEM 4 Frank Victor, District II Treasurer, presented the Treasurer’s Report. As of September 21, 2011 the district has a balance of $102, 328.87. Our total Certificates of Deposit are $72,803.85 and the Total Savings and Checking Accounts are $29,525.02. The District began the 2011-2012 fiscal year with a balance of $107,277.87. Frank also reported that the auditing firm of Boyer and Ritter had completed the District II audit for 2010-2011 and will issue a favorable audit.
A motion was made by Jeff Gregory, seconded by Maureen Williams, to approve the Treasurer’s Report as presented. All Ayes
ITEM 5Chairman Majikes distributed the current list of District II Committee
members and asked that everyone review their information and
communicate to the Secretary any necessary changes. That information
will then be updated on the webpage.
ITEM 6 The following eligibility requests were acted upon by the District II
· A motion was made by Jay Starnes, seconded by Eric Emmerich, to approve the immediate eligibility of Brandon Chackan, Lake-Lehman to Holy Redeemer, in accordance with Article VI, Transfers and Residence, principal to principal sign off. All Ayes
· A motion was made by Jim Higgins, seconded by Chris Gegaris, to approve the immediate eligibility of Nestor Colon, from Old
· Forge to Riverside, in accordance with Article VI, Transfers and Residence, principal to principal sign off. All Ayes
· A motion was made by Chris Thomas, seconded by Bill King, to approve the immediate eligibility of Korey Hill, Meyers to WVW, in accordance with Article VI, Transfers and Residence, principal to principal sign off. All Ayes
· A motion was made by Jeff Gregory, seconded by Joe Farrell, to approve the immediate eligibility of Jessica Neare, Lake-Lehman to Wyoming Seminary, in accordance with Article VI, Transfers and Residence, principal to principal sign off. All Ayes
· A motion was made by Pat Sheehan, seconded by William Schoen, to approve the immediate eligibility of John Yurkoski, Holy Redeemer to Hanover Area, in accordance with Article VI, Transfers and Residence, principal to principal sign off. All Ayes
ITEM 7 A motion was made by Pat Patte, seconded by Frank Galicki, to approve
the immediate eligibility of Martin Gelilec, Chile to Montrose, in
accordance with Article VII, Foreign Exchange Students. All Ayes
ITEM 8 The following fall sports’ committee reports were given at today’s meeting:
· Cross Country (Bill King): Bill King reviewed the information for the Cross Country Championships to be held at Elk Lake on October 26th. Bill and his team have visited the site and reviewed the procedures with personnel from Elk Lake. He thanked Elk Lake for their great cooperation and reported all is set. He also explained that the Championships will be utilizing sneaker chips again this year. A motion was made by Frank Galicki, seconded by William Schoen, to approve the Cross Country Championship format. All Ayes
· Volleyball (Maureen Williams): Maureen Williams presented information regarding the upcoming Girls’ Volleyball Championships. Following discussion, a motion was made by Bill King, seconded by Pat Patte, to have Maureen prepare the District Championship Information report and submit it to the District II Officers for final review prior to its release to the schools. All Ayes
· Golf (Joe Farrell): Joe Farrell reported that the first of the pre-district tournaments was held today and all is ready for the District Championships.
· Soccer (Vito Quaglia): The Soccer Committee is in the process of putting together the final details for this year’s championships. A motion was made by Jay Starnes, seconded by Frank Galicki, to have the District II Soccer Committee prepare a District Championship Report and submit it to the District II Officers for final review prior to its release to the schools. All Ayes
· Girls’ Tennis (Pat Sheehan): Pat Sheehan reported that all of the information has been distributed to the schools and all is set for the upcoming championships.
ITEM 9 The following winter sports’ committee reports were given at today’s
· Wrestling (Jay Starnes): Jay Starnes asked that the new wrestling classifications be placed on the web page. Mike Ognosky will have it placed on the front page of the web page on the right hand “blocks” – story will be entitled “Wrestling Weight Classes 2011-2012” – Athletic Directors and Principals are asked to direct their coaches to that story.
ITEM 10 Chairman Majikes informed the committee that there is the potential for a regional panel hearing involving a District II member school and a District IV member school.
ITEM 11 Officials’ Representative, William Schoen, provided the committee
members with an overview of a recent PIAA State Hearing regarding a
Field Hockey referee from District II. He also informed the committee members that he has been in contact with Superior Trophy and the plaque and medals for the fall sports will be in place for the District Championships.
ITEM 12 Chairman Majikes informed the committee that there have been four disqualifications of District II football players through the first two weeks of the season. There have also been a number of disqualifications in soccer involving soccer players from 10 different District II schools. Member schools are reminded that they are to fill out disqualification response forms that are sent out by the PIAA State Office following notification of each disqualification.
ITEM 13 Chairman Majikes also informed the committee that there is the potential for a number of eligibility hearings at the October meeting.
ITEM 14 Following a lengthy discussion, Chairman Majikes was asked by the District II Committee to report their concern to the PIAA State Committee regarding the participation of male athletes in traditional PIAA female sports – such as Field Hockey.
A motion was made by Mike Ognosky, seconded by Jay Starnes, that any member school that utilizes both females and males in a sport in which only one sex is traditionally counted, for example, utilizing both males and females in Field Hockey, shall be required to count total enrollment for that sport only in the next two year cycle of reporting enrollments. 12 Ayes, 3 Nays
Chairman Majikes will take that concern to the next State Committee meeting and report back to the group.
ITEM 15 A motion was made by Bill King, seconded by Joe Farrell, to adjourn the meeting. All Ayes
Meeting was adjourned at 5:52 p.m.
NEXT MEETING – OCTOBER 19, 2011 – 4:15 PM –Wilkes-Barre Area Career & Technology Center.
Submitted by
Mike Ognosky
Mike Ognosky, District II Secretary