The PIAA State Office has released a number of informational items regarding the recent equity issue raised across the state. District II Chairman, Frank Majikes, shared the following documents with the District II Committee at their July 24, 2018 public meeting.
PIAA Response to Equity Summit
PIAA addresses Competitive Balance
PIAA Championships Comparison Statistics
Links to past PIAA State Board of Directors meetings can be found below.
Link to past PIAA State Board Meetings
The PIAA State Office has released the sports’ classifications for the next two year cycle, 2018-2019 and 2019-2020. They can be found below and include all of the additional classifications that have been added in the various sports.
PIAA Member Schools’ Classification by Sport
District II Officials’ Representatives, James Elliott and Maureen Williams, have announced that online testing for the various sports’ officials qualifying exams is now available. Click the link below for additional information.
PIAA Announces New Online Availability for Officials’ Qualifying Tests
The PIAA State Office has created a document portal in order to facilitate required document utilization by member schools for transfer waivers and other important documents. Click the link below entitled “PIAA DOCUMENT PORTAL” in order to access that important link.